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Magnus3x 10-31-2003 02:00 PM

I love you F*ckers!!!
Shit man.. thinking about last week.. what a rock solid crew this industry has and that showed up for this show. I had lunch with Drinking Hard yesterday and we talked about the crowd and parties and man.. the stories started flying of the wicked peeps and goodtimes.

I wont do a list of who to thank and give props to...but hey if we shook hands.. cheers a drink or just generally got out of control together then brother and sister you got a brotha from another motha named Magnus!


Shann 10-31-2003 03:15 PM

LOL that line is classic!


Was great hanging with ya Magnus! mwah!

WiredGuy 10-31-2003 03:16 PM

I wish i could have gone... damn! That makes 2 shows in a row.

SuperDave 10-31-2003 03:45 PM

Magnus, you rock bro. You hooked up a freakin wicked night on Sat. Thanx for the shots too man! Anytime you're in T.O. I got you covered. Hit me up anytime.

And you're right btw, there are some really good peeps in this bizz. I met lots of people that I can truely call friends.


Evil Chris 10-31-2003 03:47 PM

Dave, that was the first time you and I ever had the opportunity to sit (stand) and talk for more than a few minutes. That's what I like best about the smaller get togethers... :D

Diva 10-31-2003 04:08 PM

Magnus, you ROCK!!!

It was great to meet you, and you were missed on Sunday and Monday, when we were still partying!!!

sherie 10-31-2003 04:38 PM

I love you to lightweight!!


Crak_JMan 10-31-2003 04:47 PM

Magnus, You rock the house BRO!!

What you guys pulling off for Halloween tonight ?

Gimme a call later fucker... 250 616-0837

Magnus3x 10-31-2003 05:15 PM


I love you to lightweight!!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit.. here it goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yer down in TO!!!!! I think we should hit a shitty leafs game!!!

GrimShawn 10-31-2003 05:28 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit.. here it goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yer down in TO!!!!! I think we should hit a shitty leafs game!!!

Magnus was great rapping with you and DH and the rest of the Van crew! The pleasure was deff all yours!

Play on Magnus!

SuperDave 10-31-2003 05:41 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Dave, that was the first time you and I ever had the opportunity to sit (stand) and talk for more than a few minutes. That's what I like best about the smaller get togethers... :D
Yeah man, I'm really glad we got that oppertunity as well. And it was like you said, sit, stand, et. hahaha We were all over the place "Wanna go inside? ... Ok ... sit? ... Ok .... stand? ... ok back outside ....

hahahahahaha Good times!!


Dwreck 10-31-2003 06:47 PM


I cant thank you enough for you hospitality. YOur truley a class act and a good guy.

Going to the chilli peppers was BLAST. Even thou I had to buy three tickets to get in.

Remember kids! :)
Just keep magnus away from the extremembus. LOL!

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