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-   -   If this industry would go down or you'd need to go out WHAT would you do ??? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=5393)

Crak_JMan 11-04-2003 02:41 PM

If this industry would go down or you'd need to go out WHAT would you do ???
We had that discussion with a some guys in Vancouver and some pretty cool shit came up.

How could you make easy good money. In a short period of time.

Here's couple of suggestions.

By a ski mask, a gun and getaway fast car and become a bank robber.

Become a drug deals (not really good since all the webmasters would be out of pay to by drugs LMAO)

Flip Burgers at Mc d's...

What would be your change of Carreer ???

GrimShawn 11-04-2003 02:43 PM

So many options really! So hard to decide. I'd prolly grab a ski mask with ya rob a bank, buy a bunch of drugs slang for a year or 2 and be good to go!

Vid Vicious 11-04-2003 02:44 PM

I'd produces kid shows

Crak_JMan 11-04-2003 02:44 PM


Originally posted by GrimShawn
So many options really! So hard to decide. I'd prolly grab a ski mask with ya rob a bank, buy a bunch of drugs slang for a year or 2 and be good to go!
Don't we allready have a matching set bro :cool:

GrimShawn 11-04-2003 02:46 PM


Originally posted by JMan
Don't we allready have a matching set bro :cool:
Yeah we do man matching everything, from masks to glvoes, to guns to pants to thongs

Dwreck 11-04-2003 03:04 PM

I will be the lookout. Count me in :)

GrimShawn 11-04-2003 03:12 PM


Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
I will be the lookout. Count me in :)
Derek would make a perfect loook out! It's on

Evil Chris 11-04-2003 03:16 PM

Good question... I would probably take up professional hockey, or maybe be a supreme court judge.

Crak_JMan 11-04-2003 03:16 PM


Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
I will be the lookout. Count me in :)
Nice, now we need a big bad ass Dude.

Can someone call SixNine :bodyguard

Crak_JMan 11-04-2003 03:17 PM

Oh and how about a chick, we need a chick in there so if cop shows up she can be our hostage.

C'mon any girls with balls around here ;-)

sherie 11-04-2003 03:18 PM

I would probably go back to school and work mainstream part time. The internet is not going to go away:D

But for the easy money, I would marry some rich old impotent man:rolleyes:

Evil Chris 11-04-2003 03:18 PM

If I opened up a pen room, would anyone come and work for me? LOL

Crak_JMan 11-04-2003 03:25 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
If I opened up a pen room, would anyone come and work for me? LOL

Hehehe Did i tell you i use to run a 200 employee call center downtown Toronto :D

GrimShawn 11-04-2003 03:32 PM


Originally posted by JMan
Hehehe Did i tell you i use to run a 200 employee call center downtown Toronto :D
If robbing banks did not work i'd go back to being a male stripper

hyatla 11-04-2003 03:33 PM

I will be a slave labor for wal mart. :)

Crak_JMan 11-04-2003 03:49 PM


Originally posted by GrimShawn
If robbing banks did not work i'd go back to being a male stripper
Bro remember last time in Vancouver how easy it was. We got Wiseman to set firealarm at hotel and during all the noise with firetrck and all you and I just had to walk in the TD in front of hotel :cool:

GrimShawn 11-04-2003 03:50 PM


Originally posted by JMan
Bro remember last time in Vancouver how easy it was. We got Wiseman to set firealarm at hotel and during all the noise with firetrck and all you and I just had to walk in the TD in front of hotel :cool:
lol lol hahahahaha

SHHHHHHHH that's a secret

Evil Chris 11-04-2003 03:51 PM


Originally posted by JMan
Hehehe Did i tell you i use to run a 200 employee call center downtown Toronto :D
Yes for sure I remember! Why do you think I mentioned the pen room story? :D

kassidy 11-04-2003 03:55 PM

I'd write a book about my life in the porn industry ;)

susannas 11-04-2003 05:13 PM

Well you see I am old enough that I had another life before this one. I was an accountant. So if all else fails.... but I dont like working for anyone else anymore. They actually want you to be there at 8:30 am. ahhhhahhhahhahahhahahaaa I would rather work all hours of the night at my computer at home then show up someplace on someone elses time clock. Luckily I have transferable skills LOL


Crak_JMan 11-04-2003 05:20 PM


Originally posted by susannas
Well you see I am old enough that I had another life before this one. I was an accountant. So if all else fails.... but I dont like working for anyone else anymore. They actually want you to be there at 8:30 am. ahhhhahhhahhahahhahahaaa I would rather work all hours of the night at my computer at home then show up someplace on someone elses time clock. Luckily I have transferable skills LOL


I got the perfect gig for you... How about cleaning the stolen money me and my posse will be bringing to the hide out ... You can do it at night if ya want.

Any objections Grim ?

GrimShawn 11-04-2003 05:22 PM


Originally posted by JMan
I got the perfect gig for you... How about cleaning the stolen money me and my posse will be bringing to the hide out ... You can do it at night if ya want.

Any objections Grim ?

I think that'll work, but they don't get a % like the others do

Kenny B 11-04-2003 05:28 PM


Originally posted by sherie
I would probably go back to school and work mainstream part time. The internet is not going to go away:D

But for the easy money, I would marry some rich old impotent man:rolleyes:

That's why I wore a tux to my vasectomy, I figured if I was going to be impotent I might as well look impotent! :bonk:

susannas 11-04-2003 05:35 PM


Originally posted by JMan
I got the perfect gig for you... How about cleaning the stolen money me and my posse will be bringing to the hide out ... You can do it at night if ya want.

Any objections Grim ?

What are accountants for? anyone follow the globill fiasco? I think I might just be too honest.

Crak_JMan 11-04-2003 05:39 PM


Originally posted by susannas
What are accountants for? anyone follow the globill fiasco? I think I might just be too honest.
Too honest... Hey you fit right in.. Everyone is the adult industry IS HONEST :bonk:

GrimShawn 11-04-2003 06:07 PM


Originally posted by JMan
Too honest... Hey you fit right in.. Everyone is the adult industry IS HONEST :bonk:
Ain't that the truth! And with Grim and Jman you get the most honest sick bastards around

Raya 11-04-2003 10:34 PM

Anything but Corporate, been there done that. Maybe I would go back to being a gypsy starving artist...oh wait I think I'm still doing that. Laugh!

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