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radicalx 11-05-2003 08:30 PM

I got chased by a badger
I was helping a good friend tonight on a building he owns, when we finished I deceide to walk home along this country road as it's only 20 minutes away fro me!!

What happens, a friggin huge badger decides to have a go at me and chase me half way down this road hehehehe!! I've never been so glad of trees lol!!!

I had to lift me kilt and run like a scotsman has never run before!!

Who's going to Vegas in Jan?? As I'll be there with the same kilt!!! Woohoo!!!

asuna 11-05-2003 09:54 PM

woohoo upskirt content!

Raya 11-06-2003 03:23 AM

If you can't post a pic of the badger can you post one of the kilt;)

I was once chased by a possum.

Seven888 11-06-2003 07:51 AM


Originally posted by Raya
If you can't post a pic of the badger can you post one of the kilt;)

I was once chased by a possum.

possum? I thought they were gentle

Raya 11-06-2003 08:38 AM

Usually, but not when they are caught in a chain link fence suspended above the side walk. And no I have no idea how it got in that predicament. I only know it was very unhappy about it. I wasn't all that thrilled by it either since I was walking past the fence at the time as it thrashed it got out of the fence and went postal. I happened to be the only thing it could take it's frustration out on. I ran like crazy.

Evil Chris 11-06-2003 09:52 AM

You're going to wear a kilt to Internext? I gotta see this!!! :cool:

Platinum Doug 11-06-2003 11:47 AM

Re: I got chased by a badger

Originally posted by radicalx
What happens, a friggin huge badger decides to have a go at me and chase me half way down this road hehehehe!! I've never been so glad of trees lol!!!
LMAO!! :D :D :D I had a dream last night I was being chased up trees by a bear . . . coincidence?? I think not . . . ;)

AdultLegal-Jim 11-06-2003 12:35 PM

Anyone see the SNL episode with Christopher Walken

"Nothing puts a Badger in the mood more than Candlelight, some soft music and a Yankee Pot Roast"


Panky 11-06-2003 12:52 PM

OMG! Too freakin' funny! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/c0/biglaugh.gif" width="15" height="15">

I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt?

<img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/upsidedown.gif" width="15" height="15">

Fyrflygrl 11-06-2003 06:11 PM

OMG!! Upskirt content for gay websites is HERE!! :)

(seriously... someone should take a 'wee' flight to Scotland and capitalize on that!!)

And since I'm from Scottish roots and all... maybe I could volunteer?

Me thinks I could handle some male 'upskirt' looking :D


radicalx 11-06-2003 07:07 PM


Originally posted by Fyrflygrl
OMG!! Upskirt content for gay websites is HERE!! :)

(seriously... someone should take a 'wee' flight to Scotland and capitalize on that!!)

And since I'm from Scottish roots and all... maybe I could volunteer?

Me thinks I could handle some male 'upskirt' looking :D


hehehehehe Ohhhh Nooo what have I done!! no kilt in vegas then!! I'll leave it behind!!!

Fyrflygrl 11-07-2003 08:29 AM

Kilts are sexy ;)


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