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Brandy 11-06-2003 05:08 PM

Live Web Cast: Question One of the Webs Best Internet Marketers
Hey All!

We are very excited to bring you the RainMaker Radio show Http://rainmaker.searchenginematrix.com tonight at 7pm eastern standard time. Tonights show will focus on Marketing technicques from the pros.

Our first guest is Michael Stebel,whose success is deeply entrenched in marketing for both the dirt world and internet sales. He has been frequently quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, InfoWorld and other industry leading media outlets. His forte is in growing companies and proved this when Deloitte and Touche placed Boundless Technologies, in their top 100 of 500 fastest growing technology companies. He is a person of high regard and tremendous success.....We are honored to have him on the show!

Our second quests of the evening are John V., VP of ARS and Scott Rabinowitz, Traffic Dude. They will be making some exciting announcements and talk about what they do best.....Help their affilates make money and how to successfully straddle both sides of the fence blending mainstream and adult!

Michael D. Stebel most recently served as Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer for Ener1, Inc. (OTCBB:ENEI) where he was responsible for strategic planning, marketing, sales, and technical support for all Ener1's subsidiaries. He was also a cofounder of the company's healthcare and hospitality interactive systems and services subsidiary, EnerLook Solutions, Inc. and developed that company's business plans. Prior to Ener1, Michael held the position of President of Boca Research, Inc.

Previously, Michael served as Executive Vice President of Corporate Strategy for Boundless Technologies, Inc. (AMEX:BND) and was instrumental in growing revenues and increasing profitability. During that period, Deloitte & Touche placed the Company in the top 100 of their Fast 500 list of the fastest growing technology companies in the United States. He has also served as Director of Marketing for AT&T's ADDS'96 Advanced Development Group that developed new business development and internal venturing processes for the company. Michael has previously held the positions of Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Veeco Instruments, a producer of instrumentation for the semiconductor and electronics industry. He was also the founder and President of Nexentra Technology Marketing, LLC (nexentra.com), a strategic marketing consulting company.
Michael has extensive experience in interactive technologies, new media, interactive TV and technology marketing and sales. He has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, InfoWorld, PC Week and numerous information technology and interactive technology publications, has published several technical papers, and is a frequent speaker at major industry conferences including Comdex, CeBIT, JavaOne, Western Cable, and National Association of Broadcasters. Michael received his Bachelors degree in Physics from Hofstra University where he also studied for his Masters in Computer Science and MBA. Michael is also a Microsoft Certified Professional.

Michael Stebel is currently the Chief Executive Officer for the TVR IT Division of TVR Communications.


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