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-   -   ok, analyse this (crazy dream).. (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=5436)

iroc409 11-06-2003 10:53 PM

ok, analyse this (crazy dream)..
so anyways, i _rarely_ ever remember my dreams, just doesn't happen. although, when i do they're generally pretty fucked up.

apparently i was in college, at some big city. it seemed like it was nyc, but the school had a sort of nevada-casino type feel to it.

in the dream i'm dating this girl that i've kinda had a thing for lately (totally awesome perfectly complete 'girlfriend material' by my standards.... except she's the ex of a good friend :( ). but, there's no sex in the dream, at least that i remember.

anyways, the crazy part. there's elevators in the dorm where apparently i live... but they aren't regular elevators. they're crazy, tiny elevators that are kindof futuristic or something. they're a lot like those drive-through bank teller tubes or something, a small round elevator about the size of a porta pottie in a crazy clear tube. but, they don't move like regular elevators, as the go up and down, the spin in the tube like a bullet in a gun.

so anyways, i get in this elevator. i hadn't used it before for some reason, but i decide to leave and use it. the thing starts going down like normal, but it's a pretty long ride so i start getting dizzy.

then the elevator just goes freaking nuts! the thing keeps going up and down, but way faster than normal, and of course the thing is going round and round while this is happening. i'm hanging on to the sides for dear life while this happens, and it goes down so fast that i'm like sliding up in the elevator... so i'm not even standing on the floor.

so yeah, last i remembered i was stuck in this psycho elevator, and everyone outside is laughing because apparently everyone knew the elevator was broken except me, so i'm stuck in the psycho elevator while they're trying to get it stopped.

it was really wierd, and i know there was more to it before that, but don't really remember, i think mostly "boring" college life dating this chick or something.

crazy shit.

Shann 11-07-2003 01:51 AM

Must be stress related lol That's it from Dr Shann :)

Mefo 11-07-2003 06:32 AM

ask Dr. Phill


asuna 11-07-2003 11:58 AM

Don't ever sleep again

Kenny B 11-07-2003 12:16 PM

Wow what a coincidence I once had a dream I went to college too!

From that dream I come to these conclusions:
#1 -Your life is about to take some drastic changes, because of these changes your emotions will seem like they are spinning out of control! People will see this happening to you but can’t do anything, it’s up to you to straighten thing out. The g/f in the dream symbolizes that these changes will partly have to do with your personal life, but will affect every aspect of your life.

#2 – You ate certain food late at night and it messed with you’re head!

Either way don’t get into an elevator today!

Kris 11-07-2003 12:44 PM


two nights ago i had a pretty weird dream. i was in a house, it was mine but not where i live now. i had a couple kittens (not a cat person, i really have 2 dogs) and was going to feed them. so i dump the cat food bag out. there were a few birds in it and about 8 baby rattle snakes.

in order for the cats to eat, the snakes had to bite the birds and kill them, then the cats could eat the birds. so this happened. then, i had these damn rattle snakes in my house. the instructions on the bag didn't mention what to do with them. all the sudden 8 turned in to about 20.

so i'm picking them up and popping their heads off. i was freaking out the entire time. then one got me. it hurt a little, then my arm started swelling. no one would take me to the hospital.

finally i ended up at the hospital (not sure how) and they told me i was fine.

alarm clock went off

iroc409 11-08-2003 12:06 AM


Originally posted by Kenny B
Wow what a coincidence I once had a dream I went to college too!

From that dream I come to these conclusions:
#1 -Your life is about to take some drastic changes, because of these changes your emotions will seem like they are spinning out of control! People will see this happening to you but can’t do anything, it’s up to you to straighten thing out. The g/f in the dream symbolizes that these changes will partly have to do with your personal life, but will affect every aspect of your life.

#2 – You ate certain food late at night and it messed with you’re head!

Either way don’t get into an elevator today!

interesting analysis. i could probably see _some_ of that happening at least. although, hopefully all for the better...

it's interesting to see that i think dreams can foreshadow the future, in some odd ways.

lol... i'm not very often around elevators, either (fortunately, perhaps).

Bulldog-Johnnie 11-11-2003 03:51 PM

Obviously this dream is rich in metaphors born of your inner conflict to come out...

sherie 11-11-2003 03:57 PM

I'm still trying to figure out my dreams. People keep stealing my designer stuff!!!:eek:

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