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hoescom 11-09-2003 11:22 PM

Introduction Zarnia! A Softcore Paysite.
Hello all! This is Marc from hoes.com. I'm proud to introduce the newest member to our family of quality sites:
Zarnia ( http://www.zarnia.com/ )

You've possibly noticed our huge ad at the top of hoes.com for a while now. Well, that ad is promoting Zarnia, our nude model/softcore paysite. We've been making a killing with it for months now and are happy to open it's doors to you. The affiliate program is ZarniaCash (http://www.zarniacash.com/ ).

Zarnia is unique in that it offers an extensive tour that actually mirrors the member section. Every new content set that we release is shown in preview format to the surfer so they actually get quite a bit of tease for free. That means bookmarkers! Unlike most paysites which offer just a simple tour and loads of popups, we make the surfer feel comfortable and offer them an ever-changing site which encourages them to check back week after week until they finally decide to join!

If you've never promoted a softcore site before, you'll be surprised at the retention rate. The target audience expects quality and Zarnia delivers that to them every week. We even show them what's coming three weeks ahead to encourage them to recur.

We offer many promotional tools like hosted galleries, model click pics and of course banners. Oh, and one very interesting thing is that nearly 30% of our members are women. They find the clean, elegant look and our attention to detail appealing from the feedback we've gotten!

Visit ZarniaCash for more information!

I'm always available for questions:

icq: 24142711


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