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-   -   Building AVS sites? Now is the time to turn them into paysites! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=5492)

Sarah_MaxCash 11-12-2003 06:41 PM

Building AVS sites? Now is the time to turn them into paysites!
If you build AVS sites all the recent changes in the industry mean that now, more than ever is the time to start thinking of moving your most successful sites over to paysites. If you are new to paysites you have most likely been putting of the decision because of what you think are the high costs involved with the initial setup.

Lucky for you Webinc is running some Fall Specials that will let you get top quality paysite design at discounted prices. With designs as good as these and the knowledge of traffic generation that you already have from your AVS work you will make back the design cost in very little time indeed. Plus, you have the joy of being the master of your own domain.

Each package comes with promo materials too so you can attract new affilates at the show with your top notch banners and page ads for each of your sites.

Webinc's Fall Specials include the following paysite design pacakges:

1 Paysite Design Package:
Splash, 3 tour and join pages
3 full page ads
30 animated banners

Total: $1,333.00

3 Paysite Design Package:
3 x Splash, 3 tour and join pages
9 full page ads
99 animated banners

Total: $3,333.00

Our huge online site portfolio can be seen at http://www.webinc.com/websites.html

Feel free to email me at sarah@webinc.com or icq me at 1302636 with any questions or if I can be of any help.

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