X Nations

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Evil Chris 08-30-2002 12:28 PM

Custom user titles
Instead of immediately going with a rank structure of user titles, I have set up so that you can choose whatever title you want!

Right now everyone is a Citizen X, but you can change it to whatever you want in your profile.... Have fun with it! :D

Mister X 08-30-2002 12:30 PM

Coooooooooooooooooooool :D

Mister X 08-30-2002 12:32 PM

I'm an X hibitionist!

Evil Chris 08-30-2002 12:32 PM

LOL... Mister X... you got the idea bro!!! :cool:

Mister X 08-30-2002 12:32 PM

Chris is having an episode. :eek:

Mister X 08-30-2002 12:33 PM

Or else he had to try a couple things first. Hehe. :D

Tafkap 08-30-2002 12:40 PM

Well, here comes the Xited Frenchy now...:D

Mister X 08-30-2002 12:42 PM

Good one!

Aly 08-30-2002 01:47 PM


LadySharlot 08-30-2002 04:14 PM

Hmmm--anyone that know's me will agree with mine. LOL

Lady Sharlot :-)

teddyz 10-21-2003 11:55 AM

Great idea Evil Chris, Thanks

Panky 10-21-2003 01:21 PM

<img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/smiley_thinking.gif" width="37" height="32">

This could get interesting... <img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/grinning-smiley-002.gif" width="49" height="19">

Maybe use my mod powers and customize users titles.... *kidding*

<img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/face007.gif" width="32" height="32">

<img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/upsidedown.gif" width="15" height="15">

wsjb78 10-22-2003 06:16 AM

I always love boards where I can set my own custom title...
The current one was appointed to me by the first online community I hang out with :)

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