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LAJ 11-17-2003 02:47 PM

Is "The Cat in the Hat" taking over the world?
The product endorsements here in the U.S. have been sooooo outta control lately. Is the same thing going on in other countries?

I can understand "getting the word out", but their multimillion $$ "in your face campaign" has really turned me off. I was a huge Dr. Seuss fan growing up (still am), but now I'm not even sure if I care to go to the movie now. Anyone else?

And to relate this to our industry somehow :D ... how do you feel when adult companies go all out with their promotions to the point of it being in your face? Effective or a nuisance?

Evil Chris 11-17-2003 03:05 PM

Nuisance. But effective... so although I get tired of the in your face stuff, I'm still somewhat compelled to consume it. But ONLY if it's a quality product of course.

I understand the reason why a lot of people absolutely refuse to wear something with a company logo or brand on it. Because it's everywhere, why should we wear it too?!?!

HeadPimp 11-17-2003 03:48 PM

See, I am of the opposite mind. Once I get beat over the head with ads and product placement, I don't buy that product. Never went and saw the Hulk simply because by the time the movie came out, I had seen way too much promo material and products for it.

LAJ 11-17-2003 04:16 PM


Originally posted by HeadPimp
See, I am of the opposite mind. Once I get beat over the head with ads and product placement, I don't buy that product. Never went and saw the Hulk simply because by the time the movie came out, I had seen way too much promo material and products for it.
Yup yup... I agree. I think "Batman" back in the late 80s was my first boycott specifically for those reasons you mention. The list has grown for me big time ever since.

But unfortunately I think most people are sheep and need to be reminded repeatedly and told what to do and where to spend their money.

HeadPimp 11-17-2003 04:26 PM


Originally posted by LAJ
Yup yup... I agree. I think "Batman" back in the late 80s was my first boycott specifically for those reasons you mention. The list has grown for me big time ever since.

But unfortunately I think most people are sheep and need to be reminded repeatedly and told what to do and where to spend their money.

Thankfully they are sheep. It would be much harder to sell things to them and to lead them if they all had brains and the ability to think independantly! :bonk:

LAJ 11-17-2003 04:32 PM


Originally posted by HeadPimp
Thankfully they are sheep. It would be much harder to sell things to them and to lead them if they all had brains and the ability to think independantly! :bonk:
LOL... I like the way you think my friend. :)

NetRodent 11-17-2003 08:25 PM


Originally posted by LAJ
But unfortunately I think most people are sheep and need to be reminded repeatedly and told what to do and where to spend their money.
Join my sites.

Join my sites!

Join my sites!!!

Damn, its not working. Maybe I need to get a co-branding agreement with McDonalds. Yeah, that's the ticket...

Funbrunette 11-17-2003 08:46 PM

That movie looks disturbing ::-|

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