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Vid Vicious 11-17-2003 10:17 PM

Cheap flights to Vegas
Ok So I started my search for cheap flights to vegas .. I went on about 4 -5 different sites...

Cheapticket seemed to have the cheapest flight for me .. $325 US plus they're $30 SERVICE FEE ...

Expedia.com and .ca where the most expensive @ over 1200$ USD .. the odd thing is the same flight on cheapticket as on some other sites was like
in the 450-500 $ USD... Funny how that is

(keep in mind the Canadian to US exchange rate is pretty low right now. ... Thank you Bush!)

325 + 30 = 355 USD ---> $465.57 CAD .. About $135.00 less then last year

Why is it that every convention is always at a $500 Flight price range???

BTW the dates I was serching for where : Depart Jan 4th 2004 in the morning
Return Jan 8 2004 in the evening

Brandy 11-18-2003 02:39 AM

Hey, I was just going to post a thread to call you out! Hit me up on Icq please. I most likely can hook you up with a good deal to Vegas!

Many kisses!

xamoMike 11-18-2003 11:58 PM

Vid, do what us other crazy canadians do.. drive! Long live the road trips!

Vid Vicious 11-19-2003 04:05 AM


Originally posted by xamoMike
Vid, do what us other crazy canadians do.. drive! Long live the road trips!
Mike .. I'd hitch a ride to where you are just to do the road trip with ya .. that would be an awsome trip!

Just imagin what kind of crazy shit we can get into .. camera in hand !

xamoMike 11-19-2003 07:16 PM

lol! I can just imagine the pic of you in handcuffs and a naked circus midget being shoved in the back of a cop car!

Vid Vicious 11-19-2003 11:48 PM


mailman 11-20-2003 02:24 AM


silent moan 11-20-2003 05:57 AM

Von vouyage everyone!!!;) ...enjoy the trip and don't forget to bring us some pics!

Evil Chris 11-20-2003 11:19 AM

Vid... no matter what website you use for your tickets, it always depends on your travel dates. Adjust your dates a little with expedia and you'll notice a significant drop in price.

The bitch is that sometimes the connections are really messed up. In my experience, the best route is Montreal - Chicago - Las Vegas if you can get it within your budget. Don't connect in Atlanta. It makes your itinerary a whole lot longer.

StuartD 11-20-2003 11:27 AM

Believe it or not.. I'm going to be in Vegas!

I know, I can't make it to any parties or even conventions that happen in my own town, but yeah... I will actually be making it to Vegas again this year.

I can't wait to see you all again :)

Odie 11-20-2003 01:41 PM

mine is buffalo chicago, vegas...and it was really cheap...I used cheap tickets as well.. :D

linkingloveserj 11-20-2003 02:54 PM

Cheapticket.com is your best bet


Vid Vicious 11-21-2003 12:55 PM

Stuart >> RIGHT ON!!!!!! About time buddy! it'll be a year in vegas since the last time we seen you ..

EC .. On cheap ticket I found a direct flight to vegas for under 500$ CAD .. Let me know what your dates are, may be we can fly together

Evil Chris 11-21-2003 01:45 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
EC .. On cheap ticket I found a direct flight to vegas for under 500$ CAD .. Let me know what your dates are, may be we can fly together
Montreal / Vegas direct for under $500? Give me a call when you get home. I am booking my flights today.

hyatla 11-21-2003 03:56 PM


Originally posted by linkingloveserj
Cheapticket.com is your best bet


They seem to have the best hotel deals also.

Our company, DTI cash is giving away free Vegas show packages. Details, check sig.

gregtx 11-21-2003 04:56 PM

get yourself a milage CC... and put all of your monthly expenditures on your card... you should easily earn enough miles to get two free tickets a year.. if not many more

2 cents

amex business or company use


I personally use my AAdvantage MC... for myself.. I have over 160 miles now.. 20k more and I qualify for two biz class tickets to europe...


StuartD 11-22-2003 01:24 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Stuart >> RIGHT ON!!!!!! About time buddy! it'll be a year in vegas since the last time we seen you ..

No kidding... it's a rough life I tell ya!!

Well, we'll just have to pour the bull and vodka a little faster to make up for all the lost time ;)

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