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hyatla 11-20-2003 08:52 PM

Want a free trip to Vegas' Internext?
DTI cash (in my sig) is giving away show package:

From November 24th – December 24th, the top three affiliates who make the most sales on CaribbeanCom will receive the following

1st prize

All expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for Internext in January or $1000 Cash
2 roundtrip plane tickets to Vegas from anywhere in US
2 nights at Venetian
2 admission tickets to Internext Convention
Meal allowance
2nd prize- $500 Cash

3rd prize- $400 in DXLive points

Evil Chris 11-20-2003 10:23 PM

anywhere in the US?

Not Canada?

webgurl 11-21-2003 01:08 AM

hey hyatla ,
I see you guys have alot of Asian sites how do i contact yah ?

hyatla 11-21-2003 12:03 PM


Originally posted by webgurl
hey hyatla ,
I see you guys have alot of Asian sites how do i contact yah ?

My ICQ: 274731765 :)

hyatla 11-21-2003 12:31 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
anywhere in the US?

Not Canada?

For you, I think we can fly you from anywhere. ;)

Let me talk to my boss about it.

hyatla 11-21-2003 12:34 PM

Canadian (or any other country) webmasters, or webmasters who have already arranged their Vegas trip can always get the $1000 if they win. :)

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