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fish 11-22-2003 06:31 PM

moviepost plus archive for sale
i need more time to sleep, so i have to sell some sites so i'd have less work to do.. :(

6k traffic, with ags script.

(1.5 month old site)
janswebring gives $10 per new member + recurring.
$210 payout still not sent out.
13 new members for this month
(so if they remain a member, you get the recurring payout)
includes $100 worth of video content.
average is 1-2 signups per day.
includes gallery template, http://bigmovies.janswebring.com/mgp/38/

plus if your offer is good, i'll submit all galleries for the next month, including site updates, movie compressions, etc.

email me an offer at webmaster@bigmovielist.com
or ICQ 147307350

(plus my girlfriend wants a new cellphone so i need money before the christmas season)

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