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-   -   New Generation TGP-Submission Software (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=5762)

torabora 12-07-2003 06:23 AM

New Generation TGP-Submission Software


-(Server side Gallery Manager) Manage your galleries via web interface, including upload gallery source code or showing the path where the gallery is, describe the paths where the images of this gallery should be found, the paths where you should upload the reciprocal link banner images, allowing you to choose the best corresponding category for your gallery (2 level category matching within the TGP's categories);
- (Server side Gallery Manager) Submit more than one gallery at a time, schedule a submissions to be performed at any time you want;
- (Server side Gallery Manager) Generate HTML files for different TGPs fast on the server, using the web interface;
- (Server side Flexible Profile Manager) Choose your favorite TGP, the banner of which to be included in all of the generated HTML's;
- (Server side FTP client) Upload the generated HTMLs and reciprocal link banner images directly on your hosting using fast connection.
- (Server side Flexible Profile Manager) Create and manage your own profiles to submit different galleries with particular user name, password and email. Also in different profiles you are able to escape defaults and set custom TGP's to submit manually or automatic at your estimation, allowing you to use custom username and password for concrete TGP in the <>;
- (Client side Schedulable auto submitter) Use a client software which submits a gallery in over thousent TGP forms from your IP address, or from the applied proxy server. It can work in background while you are submitting with the TGP manual submitter. Submission time scheduling;
- (Client side Manual submitter) Use a client software which opens every TGP form with all the fields set with your gallery data. These are TGPs intended for manual submission because of the emergence of a category non-coincidence or because you have set them to submit manually;
- (Client side Schedulable email confirmer) Use an Email Confirmer which can check periodically unlimited count of pop3 e-mails, parse the data received, and if a submission confirmation link is found, it will be automatically executed.


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