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ehoneys 12-09-2003 10:54 PM

Anyone here from WRP ??
Anyone from WRP on this board ? Ive been having probs with domain management for the past 1 1/2 weeks i called a couple times even sent emails ...

The last time i called i requested that the guy add my domain from their end he assured me that it would be done by the end of the day that was 2 days ago ..still no progress ..

If any of you guys are here email me admin@exotichoneys.com or leave me a note here .


Joshua 12-10-2003 12:02 AM

What's WRP? :confused:

Feynman 12-10-2003 12:38 AM

Quiz of the week: WHAT IS WRP?

Wanton Rats Procreating?


Wild Rose Production Inc.


AKA Carol and Danny Cox's outfit.

www.carolcox.com and associates.

I'm not from them, though. I just know them.

There are a LOT of ex-WRP people here though.

I'm not one of them either.

Christ, I won't be Evil, Disclose who They are if They don't Want to tell you; you'll just have to Dig More.

Evil Chris 12-10-2003 11:19 AM

not to worry, I am sure someone will be along shortly to help you out.
If they haven't already... :)

Vid Vicious 12-10-2003 12:25 PM

Kyle has been pretty bussy over there .. have you tred reaching Wookie .. your needs seem to be more up his alley

emmanuelle 12-10-2003 12:49 PM

HI Ehoneys

That particular server is down for maintenance and upgrading right now. I'm sure that Wookie will take care of it right away :-)

BillyHoe 12-10-2003 12:51 PM

Hi ehoneys,
Sory for the delay I'll look into it asap to see what's going on.
I have you on my ICQ list if you need anything else drop me an ICQ I'll keep you up to date on the progress.

ehoneys 12-10-2003 04:23 PM

ok billy i just send you an IM on ICQ ... how can i get in direct contact with these other guys ...cause im way behind on a project i am suppose to have completed for a client ..

BillyHoe 12-10-2003 05:39 PM

Our techs are currently in the office you can reach them at 1-888-467-8977, or email at sos@wrp.net. I didn't receive your message(s) through ICQ try using the number in my signature below. Or try calling me,my direct number is 514-240-5953 I'll try to get this setup asap for you.

ehoneys 12-12-2003 01:22 PM

thanks for the help billy .. i got the domain added ...just need to have a mysql database added for it as well ..

i already have u added to my icq but it could be the old icq number i would add this new one ..

thanks again ..

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