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Do you believe in GOD?
Well do YOU?
something on your mind or do you really want to hear everyones oppinion on the matter?
:huh: |
i'm agnostic :)
What is God ? who is God...? Ala..? Buddha? or are you talking about Christian God, Jahova's God.. one can't be so general these days. I'm sure there are alot of religious adult webmasters who will probably have to hide their occupation from the beliefs of their religion.
I am not religious.. I don't practice any form of religion or lean towards any religion. If I did I would be Buddhist and be an "enlightened one". I love sex too much though.:p |
i know my place in hell was reserved long ago
I am with Magnus on this one...
I am not a religious person, as a matter of fact, I am an anti-religious person. Religion is just another set of laws made up by fat white rich guys to get people to do what they want.... or wanted at the time. That being said I do believe in a higher power. Call it whatever you want, God, Fate, Allah, nature.....I refuse to believe that everything happens by coincidence... twinkley |
:angel: |
"Religion is just another set of laws made up by fat white rich guys to get people to do what they want" My Exact sentiments! Just another form of control ! And Yes I think there is a Higher Power, but not the one these guys are selling !! |
I think it would be pretty arrogant to not beleive in a higher being...I usually have a rule about not discussing relegion and politics. ;) I think I'll plead the fifth! :angel:
I've said this before... Religion is like a form of B&D.. just consider most songs, chants, etc.. You are Lord You are the Only One I will do as you wish Your will is mine I am unworthy but only say the word and I shall be yours etc etc... Man made words.. "inspired" by God.... I do believe in a higher power. However, I don't pretend to understand that higher power. I think people feel safety in numbers. It is easier to express your opinion if that opinion is shared by a group... easier to oppress others and wag your finger at those you think are wrong. Easier to be a martyr. There is for some people, comfort and security in the "known." By establishing rituals, group events, and such you establish routine.. safe, known guidelines and morals... The responsibility of knowing God is shared and one can blindly follow along. It's much more challenging to question what is presented as fact. To determine what God is on a more personal basis as opposed to group thought. I go to church on occasion. But I don't need to be in church to converse with my God. I don't need a priest to act as my conduit to a higer power. The way I treat my neighbors, friends, and family are part of my personal relationship with my God. I may not tithe at every Sunday's offereing b/c I believe that helping people in my life is just as important. When a fellow instructor's parents died and he had to fly back to Uganda, I sent a donation to help with expenses..... When my daughter asks for money to go on a field trip, I send two or three times that amount to pay for the kids who don't have money ... so everyone can go. The Bible has many authors from many different cultures and periods. Is it the word of God? I dunno.. It was inspired writing... written from the heart no doubt... Bottom line I think is how you live your life, how you love your family and friends, how you treat others.. how you treat yourself!! JMHO :angel: |
I believe i am GOD.
God doesn't exist in the way people have tried to explain it. It can't be communicated as well as it can be experienced. I have a definite sense of God. God, I hate using that word God.
We are the big and the little cheese. We are caught in something very big, part of some substance we don't get completely. But I have NO doubt. Funbrunette, you're right it. It would be arrogant to not think something higher than us exists, or that we are higher than what we think. Like people who got surprised and excited when we found microscopic cells on Mars... "There's life in other places besides earth?" well of course, life is life and it is everywhere. subjectively realizing that you are responsible for checking your own ego helps make more god for everyone. I got a trademark on that too :bonk: |
I think it's way more arrogant to push something on someone and claim they will be "damned" if they don't do this...this...and this. I agree religion is a stay away topic though, everyone is different in what they believe in. I respect everyones beliefs and I would never say anything against another persons beliefs, sad I don't get the same respect. When I get visitors at my door I always tell them right off the bat, I wont buy anything but I would like to hear what you have to say. I may engage in topic and I always thank them for their time:) |
I believe that I need to be the best person that I can.
I believe that there is a higher power, but he doesn't live within the four walls of a building. I believe that "Tolerance" is a goal in which many preach but few actually do. THAT is the one religion I try to maintain myself. :) I try to be tolerant of others, their beliefs. I would say a lot more...but I REALLY don't want to go there. :D Huggs! Lady Sharlot :-) |
Yes this is a taboo subject. It is also one that sets me off and not care who I offend. As to the original question. Absolutely not. I'm assuming the question is being asked from a Christian pov. I have nothing but contempt for Christianity. The deal the early church made with the Emperor of Rome was to adjust church doctrine to match that of the Imperial cult in exchange for becoming the official Church of Rome. All of that sexual repression, women are property, obedience to the father (incidentally, a father in Ancient Rome could order a retroactive abortion of any of his children regardless of age or marital status), and so on is pure Ancient Roman family values. The Church became a tool of government to keep the population in line. The concept of humans going to hell never appeared in Christian literature until the 1600s. It was introduced to try to put a stop to the Reformation. The epitome of hypocrisy, the Protestants fully embraced the concept of hell because it is such a wonderful tool to keep a population in line. The Pope was saying "do what I say or you will go to hell" and the Protestants were saying "listen to the Pope and you will go to hell." The writings of the New Testament were inspired by social engineers, not a deity.
I don't claim to know what the deal is, and I would never try to make someone else believe what I do. I like subjective interpretations of life. Add them together and maybe you got something. The best place to look for god is far away from religion. |
The question is, does he believe in ME!?!
I agree, people are more comfortable expessing themselves when they are not alone in their beliefs... However, I think "religion" over the centuries has taken that idea and warped it to benefit the people who have given themselves powere of it. I have a problem with anyone telling me that THEY KNOW what God (or whatever they choose to call the higher power) wants from you, and if you dont do what they say, you will (in the immortal words of eric cartman) "go to hell and you die!" Somehow, I have the worst time believing that god cares if we use birth control, are homosexual, or (gasp) dont go to church every sunday. I would much rather have an informed, intelligent discussion with anyone regarding god, and their beliefs than go to church to be ranted at by someone who has a "better" connection with god than I do. Even if the person I am talking to has a completely different set of beliefs, I will listen - and voice my own opinion. The fact of the matter is everyone has a different set of beliefs - even those that congregate at the same church. In the end, all that really matters is that you are a good person. We all know the basic differences between right and wrong and choose what we do with it. twinkley |
I agree with Twinkly. I'm not going to say I'm a certain religion but I do believe there is something up there...what it is, I have no idea. But I'm not going to spend every second of my life worshiping it. I don't think that's what I'm here for.
It's obvious that humans aren't the higher beings!!! Just look at what we've done and what were doing to each other!!! Wars, Sept/11, killers etc...
If evolution is the grand mechanism that has produced all natural things from a simple gas, surely this mechanism must be easily seen. It should be possible to prove its existence in a matter of weeks or days, if not hours. Yet scientists have been bombarding countless generations of fruit flies with radiation for several decades in order to show evolution in action and still have only produced ... more (deformed) fruit flies. How reasonable is it to believe that evolution is a fact when even the simplest of experiments has not been able to document it? Then wouldn't God be our creator? :confused: |
First of all, someone call 911 on Tobbe, I think he is the sniper.
and.. I thought I would see some stronger opinions on this thread, but looks like everyone is being very passive and agreeable... Except for Wolf lol It's funny how people are passive and respectful of others when it comes to religion, but they will not think twice about openly expressing their sexual lifestyle. I think to most, someones choice of lifestyle is more offending than their belief in god/religion. Everyones heard the rumor about a certain somebody in the office and what freaky sexual things they are into, and that causes a greater reaction that hearing that someone in the office beleives in a certain god. God certainly doesnt change the way most people do business with eachother, so I see no reason to not openly talk about it. Im sure more people would be offended by hearing about some of the freaky, kinky shit some of us like to do in the bedroom :P |
V. busy so I'm gonna make this short and sweet:
There are two things I refuse to talk about on boards, poltics and religion. I believe what I need to believe to get me though the day, and keep me positive. Whatever works for the individual whether it be God, Budha, Jah, or if you worship your own penis...whatever floats your boat! As long as you don't try to push it on anyone else or step on any toes, and it doesn't make you sacrifice any living things..it's all good! tah dah :bonk: |
Well i'm not very religious...never have been.
Until the other week i had never stepped foot inside of a church unless you count community service at the soup kitchen worship? just kidding. Truthfully though, it was my first time, and i went to an ultra catholic wedding, mixed with some celtic whatever..hope i don't offend anyone. but it was just a little too much for me, sit down stand up, i didn't know the moves or the words. But i respect peoples right to wroship. i just don't have time for it. i try to be nice, i don't even kill bugs, i will usually throw them outside, except spiders, they all die, those bastards. I even slow down if i'm crossing the street at the same time as an old lady so i get to the other side at the sme time, damn i'm such a boy scout...country manners...i was raised in the summer by my grandparents.. oh religion ya, whatever. try to be nice to people, dont kill anyone, dont sleep with married women...good rules to live by, there are some others, but i cant remeber them :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: how's that for off centre darin? |
Re: howdy
Simply put: God is Light. We may be they eyes God has created to see the light (or life).
I've never heard of someone going to hell because they believe in God. No harm, no foul, best to keep your mind open. 12:00 on a Wed is not time to get philosphical LOL |
It's all bullshit.
I am passive and respectful about all things.... well... most things....
okay.... some things.... Not spiders tho. They die here too Brad (I make aaron kill em, its the heroic thing to do) twinkley |
Did hear about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac???
He lies in bed all night wondering if there's a dog.:D |
Darin, I'm still waiting to hear your opinions on the subject, thread starter :)
Tell us what you think. Being Tolerant is not being passive at all. Tolerance means being proactive enough to stop yourself from attacking idiots, because you realize they have the right to be idiots. :) |
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