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Sarah_MaxCash 12-10-2003 05:59 PM

We've just updated our huge online portfolio!
Everyone here at Webinc was thrilled to find out we were nominated for designer of the year by the Xbiz Awards. So we decided to celebrate by updating our already massive online portfolio

We now have over 300 paysite designs, 19,000 banner designs , 120 E-zine designs , 200 full and half page ads and flash designs - making up the largest online portfolio on the web! Those are just the ones we could put up!

Check them out and see why Webinc is the first choice designer for so many webmasters! No doubt you will recognize a site or two :)

If you need any help or have any questions feel free to contact me at sarah@webinc.com or on icq at 1302636.

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