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razoractive 12-10-2003 11:36 PM

Whats going to happen with PIB Cash?
Hey guys and gals,

I hearing 2 different stories about PIb Cash, does anyone out there have the real story to discuss with us?

One src I do have which I cannot mention the persons name has told me that those stat sheets were not fake and are indeed actual screen shots from the PIB Cash admin stats.

Another src though denies that they are real and claims they were fake.

I am totally perplexed with this situation so if anyone has an opinion I would love to hear about it.

Are they going to show there faces in Vegas?



Ronaldo 12-11-2003 12:19 AM

Most assuredly, PIB will suffer for quite some time. I think the real question is will they survive at all.

I'm pretty sure Rodney is going to Vegas. I would guess Tam is as well.

I'm not sure if I'd want to be around if Rodney and Tam ran into one another. Sadly, I think it would be like a car accident. I wouldn't want to watch, but I would.

Tam 12-11-2003 02:05 AM


Originally posted by Ronaldo
Most assuredly, PIB will suffer for quite some time. I think the real question is will they survive at all.

I'm pretty sure Rodney is going to Vegas. I would guess Tam is as well.

I'm not sure if I'd want to be around if Rodney and Tam ran into one another. Sadly, I think it would be like a car accident. I wouldn't want to watch, but I would.

YOU do not know me as well as YOU thought you did, do you? I am SOOOOOO not into public scenes, so I'll not be doing a thing when I get there, and I AM going......... my WHOLE team is going. :D

Ronaldo 12-11-2003 02:10 AM


Originally posted by Tam
YOU do not know me as well as YOU thought you did, do you? I am SOOOOOO not into public scenes, so I'll not be doing a thing when I get there, and I AM going......... my WHOLE team is going. :D
Oh, come on.

I was exagerrating.

We all know the REAL Tam is one of the sweetest, kindest people in this industry.

A real wall:flower:



StuartD 12-11-2003 03:16 AM

Re: Whats going to happen with PIB Cash?

Originally posted by razoractive
Hey guys and gals,

I hearing 2 different stories about PIb Cash, does anyone out there have the real story to discuss with us?

heh, ok... and how often does the "real story" ever come out with these things? And when/if they do... do you believe it or question it as just being one of the 2 sides of the story... or a 3rd, I guess... or 4th or 5th as the case may be sometimes.

suffice to say, there are those out there who know the real story.... but coming here and posting won't really prove or solve anything so I highly doubt it would happen anyway.

razoractive 12-11-2003 11:29 AM

I am not sure that Rodney and Tom W would be @ Internext with the mess that they have on there hands.

Tam will probably be there in full effect...

I don't know I think PIB Cash's days are numbered.



Evil Chris 12-12-2003 11:49 PM

Close shop and open up with a different name. It's been done many times before. *shrug*

baddog 12-13-2003 01:44 AM


Originally posted by Tam
YOU do not know me as well as YOU thought you did, do you? I am SOOOOOO not into public scenes, so I'll not be doing a thing when I get there, and I AM going......... my WHOLE team is going. :D
I am glad I decided to read the entire thread before responding to him myself. Definitely has you read wrong.

StuartD 12-13-2003 01:05 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Close shop and open up with a different name. It's been done many times before. *shrug*
www.shavebucks.com ??

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