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badgervision 12-13-2003 12:42 PM

Need some serious help with my site
http://www.dailymovies.biz could anyone here take a look at this site and throw some advice at me? My client just purchased this domain and is loosing allot of traffic.

Panky 12-13-2003 09:06 PM

Lost traffic trades? Lost ranking in the search engines? Has your client tried purchasing traffic? Has your client tried ppc search engines? AdWords? Does your client know what his/her target market is? Is your client losing a lot of traffic or is it that the click thru's to the sponsor are poor or is it a combination of both? Did you lose regular submitters? Does the site update daily?

badgervision 12-13-2003 09:59 PM

Lost traffic trades?

Lost ranking in the search engines?
Yes but that was expected. they where #1 in daily movies now consisting of no porn

Has your client tried purchasing traffic?
not interested - working primarly with google & other adult sites

Has your client tried ppc search engines?
not interested

not interested

Does your client know what his/her target market is?
Yes we have targeted our keywords / traffic

Is your client losing a lot of traffic or is it that the click thru's to the sponsor are poor or is it a combination of both?

Did you lose regular submitters?
the site is based off of you receive how much traffic you send. It seems as though people are not going to the galleries (traffic trade) therefor not as much traffic is being sent

Does the site update daily?

Hammer 12-14-2003 03:16 PM

They're not intersted in PPC SEs, adwords or buying traffic? Are you sure they're serious about their site? If the trades are down they'll have to wait a while to build it back if they aren't willing to do something to pump up the volume.

badgervision 12-14-2003 03:51 PM

nope we decided to stick with SE traffic. The traffic is there but theres something with the design which isnt working. Im thinking that perhaps he is a bit to greedy (ratio between affiliate vs real traffic but am looking for a design way out first :) which is why im here. looking for usablity input

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