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Evil Chris 12-19-2003 11:41 AM

What do you remember from the 80s?
When you think back to the 80s, what comes to mind first for you?

For me:

Back to the Future movies
Indiana Jones movies
A Flock of Seagulls and people with weird hairstyles.
Asia (great concert!)
The Police (Zenyatta Mondatta)
Ted Nugent (Wango Tango)
Max Headroom
Stevie Ray Vaughn - all his early albums.
My first CD player (I still have it, but it's broken)
Van Halen - 1984
Beastie Boys - License to Ill
Huey Lewis and the News
Space Shuttle Challenger explosion
Gretzky and the Oilers

Magnus3x 12-19-2003 11:58 AM

My black trench coat ...pointy toe biker boots with buckles..all one length hair to my shoulders.....smiths ..cure..and a whole whack of excellent punk music.

Tafkap 12-19-2003 12:31 PM

1999 (Prince) - 1983
Thriller Video Clip (M.Jackson) - 1984
America's Video Shooting (Prince) - First time i met and talked to Prince 1985
Having Sex for the first time with a girl - 1984
First Computer, Apple II C - 198... can't remember

linkingloveserj 12-19-2003 12:52 PM

all i remember is michael jackson and atari:D

Feynman 12-19-2003 01:01 PM

- Ronald Reagan and Mulroney
- travelling for 7 months living 24/7 in a tent with 3 girls; that was fun :D
- my university years (kept me busy for 8 years)
- the transition from teenager to adult life
- various gf with children of their own
- I did a lot of B&W photography in those days.

I did not have any time to notice pop culture, I guess.

Zappu 12-19-2003 01:41 PM

Hairry Pussies
Sex in Public :)
and something I will never tell you :D

Vid Vicious 12-19-2003 04:32 PM

My Black leather trench Coat ..

Blonde Streaks in hair ..

Big Flips in hair ...

sex In High School and College

Beer Bashes

My 79 Malbu 350

and my 81 Voks Jetta ..

Oh oh .. And my Modonna Lookalike Girlfriends !!! woot Woot

How can I forget my Mohawk For High school Graduation

The Dead Kennedey's concert

Slam Dancing

And my Ireali GF that had Chaeted on me .. I never said a word about catching her ... Till the day I left her .. Late night on a deserted street I just finnished fuckin her in her car .... looked in the rear view saw my freinds Head ligths in the darkness and thru her all her clothes out the window .. Got out of the car .. and said ... In case you have realized it yet I'm breakin up with you ...

Ahh memories :cackle:

LAJ 12-19-2003 07:51 PM

For me... most of my first "vices" occurred in the 80s... with the exception of my first adult magazine... that was in 1979...

NO LIE... check out this list... hahahah worked out pretty damn well year by year...
1980 - first cigarette
1981 - discovered I could jerk off without shooting blanks LOL
1982 - viewed first porn movie on VHS
1983 - got drunk for the first time
1984 - got high first time... also got past "first base" that year for the first time
1985 - lost virginity
1986 - tried "harder stuff"
1987 - hmmm... won't get into all the mischief i was up to that year
1988 - first arrest (won't say why :bonk:
1989 - ooh that was another busy year....

Heh.. there's a lot more but I figured this list was damaging enough :D

Notice the natural progression downhill LOL... don't try this at home!

Oh man.... I LOVE the 80s... I miss the hell I used to raise...

sexykitten 12-21-2003 06:28 PM

I remember those heat-sensitive t shirts...hypercolor they were called! they were so awesome untill you put them in the dryer! LOL

How about wearing a really big t-shirt with a belt over top to make it look like a dress???

And leg warmers?!

not to mention she-ra and he-man, my little pony

oh, and who can forget those sunglasses, the black plastic frames with the neon sides...I had all 5: pink, orange, yellow, blue and green!

Get-in-shape-girl - the little headband and wristbands... I had the ballet bar kit, came with a little tutu...sucked!

oh yeah, and of course I was born in '80 :-P

Vid Vicious 12-21-2003 07:46 PM


Originally posted by sexykitten
I remember those heat-sensitive t shirts...hypercolor they were called! they were so awesome untill you put them in the dryer! LOL

oh, and who can forget those sunglasses, the black plastic frames with the neon sides...

LOL I had two of those shirts a t-shirt and a sweatshirt .. LOL

Risky Bussiness Sunglasses .. whom didn't have a pair of those

NinjaSteve 12-22-2003 11:27 AM

I will have to say girls with big bangs, in living color, and the first time I saw a playboy. Ah yes, playboy. After that I thought in the real world that all women glow like angels.

fatbaby 12-22-2003 12:18 PM

There were '80's ???


Cyndalie 12-22-2003 01:06 PM

<img src="http://oregon.pacificnorthwestmovies.com/TheGoonies/goonies-cover2.jpg">

Kris 12-22-2003 01:42 PM

superman 2,3

can't really remember too much, and whatever i do remember doesn't really amount to much.

turned 10 in 1988 :)

JFK 12-22-2003 01:49 PM

remember ? huh ? just a long big alcoholic blackout:bonk:

Panky 12-22-2003 02:28 PM

I can remember having a hell of a lot of fun growing up in the '80's! I was 10 in 1980. It was an awesome decade!

Rubik's cube, the snake, the pyramid, Whip It

Atari (Activision games)

Jelly bracelets

Wearing 2 or 3 different colored socks at once

Faded jeans, sometimes ripped jeans

Those T-shirts that were heat sensitive. When someone put their hand on your shirt, their handprint stayed on your shirt.

All the spandex and bands like Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Poison...

MTV (When they first aired and played actual videos.)

Headbangers Ball

The Smurfs, Alf, Webster, Punky Brewster...


Those pens when you write, the ink color was surrounded by gold or silver

Hello Kitty, Strawberry shortcake and friends, Transformers, The game of Life, Twister, Monopoly, Connect 4, Sorry, Stratego, Risk...

Break dancing

Hip Hop - Run DMC, and songs like "Funky Cold Medina"...

Bands like the Cure, U2, REM...

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/x0/biggrinsanta.gif" width="21" height="24">

Phoenix 12-22-2003 03:05 PM

the 80's hmmm

i guess pacman? Atari--Zaxxn..best game i had

CaddyShack...saw my first boobs in that movie

Panky 12-22-2003 04:04 PM

I can remember watching "Porky's" after my parents went to bed.


Cyndalie 12-22-2003 04:36 PM

LOL Panky - I remember that too, we had HBO until my parents busted my sister and I watching that movie!

Izzy 12-23-2003 02:33 AM

OMG most of those movies i saw in the 90s cuz i was born in 85 so i dont remember much i do remember some commercials, i loved commercials when i was a kid. like milk comms and cerela comms, and my all time fave 80s movie was caddy shack!! Bill Murray cracked me up in that movie LMAO!!! i notice most ppl here say they had sex in 85 for the first time LMAO. That's nifty LOL! umm lets see.... oo oo mary poppins was cool too, but i saw that in the 80s im not sure if thats when it came out. hmm.. and umm... oooh ohh and TGIF i believe that started in 88 or so maybe not i dont remember. well thats all i can think of right now.

-Izzy :p

baddog 12-23-2003 04:33 AM

having 2 kids,, getting married, building a few bikes, lots of sex, drugs and rock and roll come to mind

Fyrflygrl 12-23-2003 11:36 AM

I remember GREAT BIG hair...Aqua net hairspray... men with mullets (and they even looked cool) and having 10 pairs of JELLY shoes in my closet!



Brad Mitchell 12-23-2003 11:47 AM

I remember being cool in elementary school and a nervous unpopular wreck in middle school. I remember my first BBS that I owned and operated in 7th grade... It was called NOTLDBBS because I was a big fan of Night of the Living Dead. I think I might have been way ahead of my time - that's when I first started peddling porn, on that board.

I remember listening to Depeche Mode, being the recluse that I was... the first time I french kissed a girl, or for the record, she started it ;)

I remember big Christmas' with piles of presents... I remember thinking that smoking was a vile habit.

But most of all, I remember my older brother telling me that I was missing out on life because I wasn't involved with sports - instead I spent my time on the computer. Ha! He eats his words now.



zico 12-23-2003 02:07 PM

Cinderella (Tom Keifer) - Long Cold Winter
Guns`n Roses, Motley Crue, Aerosmith and
Gorky Park

it was great:)

spudnik 12-23-2003 03:56 PM

Off the top of my head and in more or less random order:

- Big Wheels
- Cabbage Patch Dolls
- Smurfs, Jem & the Holograms, Transformers, Charles in Charge, Family Ties, the Cosby Show, and Cheers
- Madonna, especially Like A Virgin.
- Leg warmers, side ponytails, tons of bracelets and jelly shoes. Often all at once.
- The Brat Pack
- Back to the Future, Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink - and every other Molly Ringwald movie, Crocodile Dundee, Gremlins
- The Go-Gos, Stray Cats, Cyndi Lauper, and New Kids on the Block
- Watching the Challenger explosion in 2nd grade.
- Crash of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland
- Cyanide-laced Tylenol
- Increasing awareness of AIDS

jemseed 01-13-2006 05:28 AM

D.A.R.E., my school in 1979 or 1980, was one of the first in nation to run this program, when Tower of records had a head shop that you need not be 18 to go into My first bipolar experiece being deligthed that Reagan was shot then the downer he was still alive!1984 the roit at O.P.surf contest caused by a girl taking off her swim top. My Dad hitting a cop car going the wrong way on a one way street because he was checking out a really hotte. Cops did give ticket due to them agreeing she was that hot. 1986 classmate parents spending $26,000 on electricty for X-mas lights. The bands Berlin, GRateful Dead, getting into punk Butthole Surfers concert when they had naked girls dancing on stage.On Butthole Surfers web site one can download 2 live shows.

Trixxxia 01-13-2006 09:46 AM

The 80s - oh boy
Started high school
Punker years
Spiked hair
120 lbs less and people thought I was 10 years older cuz of the *developped* body
Dutchy's Music - Army Surplus Stores

That was 81 - the rest is pretty much going out, partying, having a blast and sticking to my guns - keeping my friends sober, making sure they got home safe......Bah, I didn't change much except for the 120lbs more hahahahah

Evil Chris 01-13-2006 10:08 AM

ok this thread is almost as old as the 80s now!

jemseed dug it up. :)

gnat69 01-13-2006 10:53 AM

My purple stretch disco pants
Depeche mode
leg warmers
big hair
forsty makeup
Remmington Steele
Bosom Buddies
Roller Skating
Olivia Newton John
Knight Rider
The A Team
boat shoes
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Pretty In Pink
Weird Science
16 Candles
Expressive New Wave Dance
Def Leopard
Guns n' Roses
Tapered Jeans with Saftey Pins
Bush Parties

I was a DJ at a roller rink and I got fired for playing too much Depeche Mode and not enough Michael Jackson....LOL little did they know :bonk:

Rochard 01-13-2006 11:34 AM

I remember women with big fucking hair and those shirts and dresses with holes in them in just the right places.

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