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barryf 12-23-2003 05:54 PM

Beat the Geeks?
Does anybody here watch "Beat the Geeks"? It's my favourite game show right now. Basically constestants challenge 3 geeks who are experts in movies, TV and music, plus a 4th guest geek who is an expert in something else, like Star Trek.

Anybody else watching?


Izzy 12-24-2003 04:06 AM

LMAO OMG I used to watch that a lot, they took it off the air here so i haven't seen it in a loong time. That was a funny show, I always wanted to beat the crap outta that Movie Geek, LMAO. How long have you been watching it?

-Izzy :laughout:

barryf 12-24-2003 03:35 PM


Originally posted by Izzy
LMAO OMG I used to watch that a lot, they took it off the air here so i haven't seen it in a loong time. That was a funny show, I always wanted to beat the crap outta that Movie Geek, LMAO. How long have you been watching it?

Is the show really that old? I think it's only been in Canada for a few months and I've been watching it that long. You're right, the movie geek is the best... he gets challenged way more than the other two geeks. I can't decide if he's cool or pathetic... I'm leaning toward pathetic. :)


Izzy 12-24-2003 08:18 PM

LOL yea pathetic is more like it. Yea it was on in the states long time ago, I do believe it was on last yr too. The hosts changed tho, 1st guy had a Buzz cut and wore glasses and the 2nd guy had a really pointy lookin face and black hair and wore glasses too. Im not sure which guy you have, or maybe they changed it again. Your the first person I ever met that watched that show LOL.

-Izzy :D

Evil Chris 12-24-2003 09:59 PM

I like that show! I'm not sure how well I'd do if I was a contestant though. I've played along several times and haven't yet beat the geeks!

barryf 12-25-2003 04:19 PM

The episodes on now are hosted by Blaine (the pointy faced guy). I think they are new episodes because according to the Comedy Central website, the show is still on the air.

I think I could beat the movie geek (especially since he has to answer much harder questions). I probably couldn't beat the TV geek, and definitely not the music geek.

Does this make me a "Beat the Geeks" geek?


Shann 12-28-2003 07:23 PM

hehe I think you and Purple Haze told me about this on the weekend, I've seen it twice since! lol I liked it, I love the geek outfits, weeeeners! haha

Izzy 12-29-2003 02:29 AM

HAHA yea I think I could beat the movie geek. I just wanna punch him in the nose tho!! He gets on my nerves LOL. Damn I wish they stilled played it here. I miss it now. lol oh well maybe it will come back. I wanna be a guest geek on there for Porno movies LMAO :blush: :blush: Shit that would be cool!!!!! Well, I think I have embarrassed myself enuff here, have a great night guys.

-Izzy :blush:

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