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Billy-Purecash 12-23-2003 07:17 PM

Vegas Get Together !
Our little Oprano Amateur gathering !!
Hope to have a lot of X-Nations people around ! Especially Amaterus !!

Ok we tried to get a meeting room but it does not look like it's going to happen so we are going to meet around 5 pm, right when the show ends at the La Scena bar.

It is bigger then the circle bar !

So if you can attented post it here so we can see who will be around !

I know you can count on me being around, I could use a drink after a long day of working the show floor : )

Next ??

fatbaby 12-23-2003 07:49 PM

Which day?::-|

Billy-Purecash 12-23-2003 09:04 PM


My bad.. Monday the 5th, the first day of the show, that is the day that not a lot is going on right after the show.

Just want to get a few people together so we can put faces with names, I think it always helps when you want to do business !

Vid Vicious 12-23-2003 10:28 PM

I'll be there even though I'm not in the Oparno click .. Just remind me when you see me Billy, Thanks

Billy-Purecash 12-23-2003 11:08 PM

Not just for Oprano people.. anybody is welcome, especially AMATEURS !!

We just started an amateur board and trying to show the love to amateurs, which is where my heart is, back when I first got into this the Amateurindex.com was the first site I became involved with... and still love : )

Getting amateurs to work together and mack contacts can only help the business since I still think they are the backbone of this industry !

Evil Chris 12-24-2003 10:09 PM

Good idea Billy! Funbrunette and I will see you there!

(will Serge be there?) LOL :D

Billy-Purecash 12-25-2003 09:21 PM

You never know what is going to happen in Vegas, heck Serge is coming to New Orleans for our New Years Eve Party so I guess it depends if they lef him leave Louisiana : )

linkingloveserj 12-26-2003 12:54 PM

ok sounds good:)

hershie 12-27-2003 07:04 PM

Would love to attend. Thanks.

Wizzo 12-29-2003 10:48 AM

I'll be there...:)

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