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Imageauction 01-01-2004 12:44 PM

The 2004 New Year Pre-Internext Match your Money Content Promotion
Bid on content between now and January 7th, 2004 and ImageAuction will match 50% of your winnings.

1) You must bid on content between 12:00:00 AM January 1st 2004 and 11:59:59 EST January 7th, 2004.

2) You must bid on an Auction. Purchasing from the Stock listings do not count. http://www.imageauction.com/index.cf...drill=auctions

3) You must be a winner on the auction you bid on.

4) Your first bid must be high enough to win. Bids which are increased after 11:59:59 EST January 7th, 2004 are disqualified from this promotion.

5) You must pay for your winnings within 72 hours of winning.

6) You must pay for your winning through ImageAuction, not directly to the seller. ImageAuction accepts Stormpay, Check, Wire, Paypal, Visa/Mastercard, ePassporte and e-gold.com. You may not use Content Lotto winnings or combine this offer with other promotionals.

7) You must keep a list of all bids that qualify. Once you are satisfied that all the bids you have placed under this promotion are completed, you must email support@imageauction.com and request your bonus money.

8) Upon reviewing your account for compliance with the above, your ImageAuction account will be credited with 50% of the winning price paid for each eligible item. This credit may be spent on Stock listings or Auctions. Once your submission is received and your bonus money has been credited to your account, no further bids will be eligible for consideration under this promotion.

There are over 400 listings to choose from dozens of sellers. Don't delay http://www.imageauction.com/index.cf...drill=auctions

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