X Nations

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korggg 01-11-2004 04:10 AM

Want a great site that does NOT SHAVE your revenues ?


- Nice price for the surfers - $9.99 or €8.08/month for 3 months
- Great hardcore shemale movies
- Payments sent directly by CC processor = NO SHAVING!
- Convert on EVERY type of traffic (teens, hardcore, amateur, mature) : does not cannibalize your current sponsors...

We also have www.debutante.Tv

We are a real 50/50 program, payments directly sent by our billers so WE DON'T FUCKING SHAVE, no deducted $35, $45, $60!! per signup here

korggg 01-21-2004 05:13 AM

New layout on www.shemale.cc !
Loads faster, convert better

Site is in 3 languages now : ENGLISH, FRENCH and GERMAN. Default = English

Got exit/404/freehost404/popup/popunder/cj2 traffic ? we host this 200x200 pop - www.shemale.cc/pop.php - with your code. Signup, email us and we'll set this up asap :bonk:


korggg 02-15-2004 09:43 PM

We also have a NEW TOUR ON www.debutante.tv !!!

305+ full length movies
Sweet Entertainment Vids
Exclusive Bitches Teens content
High Quality Live Shows
Only $12.95 or €10.95 per month for your surfers
and .... NO SHAVING : you are paid for ALL your signups!! (payments sent weekly by check or wire DIRECTLY by our THIRD PARTY credit card processor)


be fuckin' smart :badcomp:

nastymed 08-14-2007 02:55 PM

A new tour and a new concept for Shemale.cc

Cool price for your surfers
Great new and exclusive content (shemales forums)
Processing still done with Verotel.com

Sign up here : http://www.shemale.cc/webmasters.htm

zand_stein 08-16-2007 05:46 AM

Congrats for all new sites.......
and good luck too.......lol

keithwoo 08-16-2007 08:35 AM

Thanks i will take a look at the one site.

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