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-   -   Las Vegas edition of "The Ron Stewart Show" airs today (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=6070)

Ronaldo 01-12-2004 02:11 PM

Las Vegas edition of "The Ron Stewart Show" airs today
The Las Vegas edition of "The Ron Stewart Show" airs today at 3PM EST / 2PM CST / 12PM PST/8PM GMT

If you've never been to Internext in Vegas, then we'll take you there. If you HAVE been, then relive the experience through our cameras. We have some site seeing, celebrity interviews and much, much more.

Check out the fast streaming video feed and join in the chat at http://www.xamo.com/radio/ . OR, you can access just the chat via irc at chat.xamo.com Channel-#live

Thanks to our sponsors: www.Yankscash.com , www.moneyintoys.com , www.boardtracker.com & www.xnations.com!

xamoMike 01-12-2004 02:44 PM


Evil Chris 01-12-2004 03:18 PM

haha! It's great... I'm watching right now. Some of the footage from Las Vegas is hilarious!

Nice work guys!!

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