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EZKash-charlie 01-21-2004 06:52 PM

Free Bidding Credit In Search Engine
adult search engine going strong.. www.gotosexsites.com has been providing great results for over 3 years now.. i am admin there and for the first 5 people to sign up at www.ezkash.com i willl give them each $50 in bidding credit to post their site listings at gotosexsites.com .. the next 10 people to sign up get $20 in bidding credit and the last 5 people to post get $5 in bidding credit . here's how we'll do it.. go sign up at www.ezkash.com get your affiliate number post it here then sign up for a account at www.gotosexsites.com tell me your user name at gotosexsites and i'll credit your account.. that easy for targeted search engine traffic

PM or email me your ezkash id and your gotosexsite ID and i'll credit your account :)

Funbrunette 01-26-2004 09:48 PM


EZKash-charlie 01-26-2004 10:37 PM

thanks for da bump :)
..guess nobodies feeling 1 thing or the other..ah come on what is it... is it gotosexsites.com hey its free credit to get targeted traffic.. can't complain.. ezkash.com sign up herbal program new get opn board now.. but <sniffle> thats ok ...you don't<sniff> have to sign up <wipes tears from eyes>


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