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leedsfan 10-25-2002 04:26 PM

free fantasy contest for webmasters going to Vegas
It's Free Contest Time...Your fuck Fantasy Meets Reality
Here we go then....

Based upon you're sexual fantasy thread, we here at MaskTV.com-home of fantasy meeting reality, aim to please!!!

I suggest that you all get thinking of the most imaginative fantasy you can come up with, and we film it for you in Vegas...we make it happen....just for you.

We are hosting a VIPparty at a secret location in the Venetian
January 7th, winner gets to have their fantasy shown on the big screen, which will be shot right before the party.

Any takers, or are you guys just a bunch of talkers? Come on people, let's get it on!!!

The game begins

deadline 2 weeks prior to show.. good luck.

baddog 10-25-2002 05:58 PM


leedsfan 10-25-2002 06:07 PM

response to huh
Hey Baddog,

This competition is open to all webmasters attending the Vegas Internext in Jan. All we want is the most imaginative fantasy you can come up with, which we will make happen for the winner. We will film it, and they get to keep a copy of the video for ever...

Braggin' rights if you will....

For example, one guy said he wanted to have 5 girls lying on top of each other, while he screwed each one, in turn, and the presented the money shot over all of them....

Just an idea...of what might work...

good luck!!!!!!!!:D

Funbrunette 10-25-2002 06:55 PM

Ladies can participate right?

leedsfan 10-25-2002 06:59 PM

all ladies
yes FunBrunette

You and any other ladies are more than welcome to get involved, the more the merrier..
Actually I was trying to persuade Twinkley_Danielle yesterday..but she's a bit shy...

have fun...

mailman 10-25-2002 07:07 PM

50 Midgets all women
A Trampoline
and Vasoline

beat that...

baddog 10-25-2002 07:52 PM

I think I understand what a fantasy is, not clear on where/how to submit it. I presume it would have to be a fantasy that was legal in the State of NV.

turbo 10-25-2002 08:08 PM

mine involves public sex, can I still enter? :rolleyes:

Funbrunette 10-25-2002 08:11 PM


Originally posted by mailman
50 Midgets all women
A Trampoline
and Vasoline

beat that...

I'm scared! ::-|

modF 10-26-2002 01:36 AM

Interesting contest, it is a shame that I will not be able to participate.

I don't think we could pull off having sex while playing craps at the Venetian while models throw marshmallows at me. :)

Ok, my mind is fried, I need to sleep now.....

Bree 10-26-2002 01:41 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette

I'm scared! ::-|

that's a very funny smilie used in that context... :laughout:

where do we submit our "entries?"

StuartD 10-27-2002 11:56 PM

Ok... my fantasy is.... Carmen Electra...

oops, oh wait... I forgot, I'm not allowed to participate in this contest. :rolleyes:

hey, maybe I can like... quit for a few days, submit mine, and then ask to be rehired afterwards? :D

Vid Vicious 10-27-2002 11:58 PM

Do0d I still don't get how you gonna track our fantasies or deside a winner .. Is a winner to be some unimaginable act? or just cost and time effective .. If cost and time are your concern .. Don't let it ... I'll be in Vegas and I'm know as the video guy .. I'm a Proffesional DOP (Director of Photography) and Edit too .. I own and shoot with all formats including Betacam SP, HDCAM, DVCAM, DVCPRO and the ever so popular MiniDV ...If I can be of assitance please let me know whether to help shoot, edit and preform ...

Oh I think I lost track of why I posted .. Oh YAh Explain how you gonna do this cus I don't think I'm the only one confused ...

twinkley 10-28-2002 02:18 PM

You guys are brave!

I could never walk into a room of webmasters sitting in front of the big screen TV watching me play out my fantasies....


Besides, no one wants to see my ass (literally) on a big screen TV ::-|

I will be happy to goggle at yours tho! hehe


mailman 10-28-2002 05:26 PM


Originally posted by twinkley
You guys are brave!

I could never walk into a room of webmasters sitting in front of the big screen TV watching me play out my fantasies....


Besides, no one wants to see my ass (literally) on a big screen TV ::-|

I will be happy to goggle at yours tho! hehe


if thats you in the pic on the left i would LOVE TO SEE YOUR ASS :blush:

twinkley 10-29-2002 11:45 AM

Ohmy :blush:

Chris, how much are you paying these people to say this stuff??

God, I love this board ahhahaahahahaha

That is me on the left :D


Cal 10-29-2002 04:33 PM


Originally posted by twinkley
Ohmy :blush:

Chris, how much are you paying these people to say this stuff??

God, I love this board ahhahaahahahaha

That is me on the left :D


I hope they let you keep your tongue :p

This contest does mystify me though, seems more of a surfer-type deal than an adult webmaster promo.


Darin 10-29-2002 04:51 PM

Me, Twinkley, and that Tongue Ring. Nuff said.


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