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iroc409 01-27-2004 04:48 AM

new virus threat: watch your shit.
in case you haven't heard, there's a new virus in town that's spreading pretty bad through email.

i got a couple mails from it today, one of them came from one of my sponsors, and another to the same addy, so i imagine they got hit.

hopefully i'm not sending my clients a bunch of these emails, it does it automatically, but i ran a thorough scan and didn't open the attachments and everything looks clean, so i'll hope.

has a pretty bad back door security hole tho.

good info about it if you want to read more:


wsjb78 01-27-2004 06:26 PM

I don't think your sponsor got the email... I bet just fake sender and reply-to addresses were used...
Same happens to me also... I get undelievered mail messages because someone makes it appear that I sent out the worm.

iroc409 01-28-2004 05:55 AM

that very well could be, i got a couple of those "non deliverable mail" messages.

however i'm sure the email address i received it on is what the sponsor has on file, and i hardly ever have used the address (except for a couple places _several_ months ago, so very few people/lists actually have it).

so, it may or may not be them sending it, but i won't hold it against them, these things happen. that's why i protect my own ass in these cases, lol. virii i do not catch easily.

Bratt 01-28-2004 10:15 AM

i have been getting a bunch of the 'undeliverable mail' emails the last few days... as well as alot of the ones with attachments. As a rule, I don't open any attachments unless I know the sender and then i scan it first.

wsjb78 01-28-2004 11:44 AM

You have just to be careful on what attachments to open...

e.g. no .src / .bat / .exe / ... and .doc / .xls could contain visual basic code...

Furthermore I would recommend you to always display the file extension:

1.) Open Explorer
2.) Click on "View" and then select "Folder Options"
3.) Select the "View" tab. The one between "General" and "File Types"
4.) Disable the option "Hide file extension for known file types."

iroc409 01-28-2004 10:52 PM

i believe this virus uses a .pif extention, or something like that. it's _generally_ not a standard extension.

i think the one i rec'd was a .pif.

wsjb78 01-29-2004 02:54 AM

Well, .pif is still recognized by the system as known file type extension and hence if your receive a filename.txt.pif file you will only see "filename.txt"

iroc409 01-29-2004 02:20 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78
Well, .pif is still recognized by the system as known file type extension and hence if your receive a filename.txt.pif file you will only see "filename.txt"

ahh... cools. i never use .pif files, so i didn't know that :)

but i always set up systems immediately on install to show all files and not hide file extensions...

Bratt 01-29-2004 02:25 PM

Here is a little more I found about the MyDoom virus


XxXotic 01-29-2004 02:37 PM

i was wondering why all these virii were getting through and noticed my nortons had expired, so i updated it, found like 45 java exploit trojans on my PC and now anything trying to get in my box nortons nukes again... thank god for nortons :p

XxXotic 01-29-2004 02:38 PM

oh, and for anyone who doesnt have a virus scanner, http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ use that, it's one of the best free scanners on available.

theS2O 01-30-2004 01:36 PM


Originally posted by Bratt
i have been getting a bunch of the 'undeliverable mail' emails the last few days... as well as alot of the ones with attachments. As a rule, I don't open any attachments unless I know the sender and then i scan it first.
same here. got a bunch of emails, undeliverable, etc just for today... it's kinda scary coz it's just keep on coming in almost every 10 mins... ::-|

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