X Nations

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-   -   wanted: Regular Galleries Submitters !!! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=6275)

siri 01-31-2004 04:47 PM

wanted: Regular Galleries Submitters !!!
Hi There Fellow Webmasters

We're looking for Regular Galleries Submitters

Your galleries will be used for TGPAuto-Update.
It's an update service for TGP sites, and sites who will have content without doing anything ;-)

We have already 150 sites using the updates, but we're still growing.

You can expect +/- 2 a 3 k a day on a galleries.
Ok that's not much, but it's easy and nice traffic, not from CJ or other bullshit sites.

We are looking for more regular submitters, because there are so many cheaters outside, and
As a Regular Submitter, you will have your own password and login to the special member submitpage,
so cheaters have no chance anymore to abuse the script.

If you are interested, please visit our site, en signup as Submitter.

Thanks for your time


Don Soporno 02-18-2004 05:16 AM

Just submitted an app.

Taass 02-21-2004 09:29 AM

Well.. any extra trafic is allways nice so you got one from me too ;)

stardusthevn 03-03-2004 04:23 PM

By "k" you mean thousands? Count me in!
I avoid sponsors who use traps and garbage like that.
We don't need it, and that is why we will bury the competition!

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