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Evil Chris 02-01-2004 11:07 AM

Survivor All Stars
I'm pumped to see it! All the best players from previous Survivor episodes will be on it.

Anyone else going to be glued to the TV for this one?

Izzy 02-02-2004 03:57 AM

OMG I am soo excited!! I get to see rupert again YAAAAAAY!! I love him!! I haven't watched it yet, I taped it tho. Can't wait to watch it.

-Izzy \

Cyndalie 02-02-2004 10:18 AM

I'll be watching :) Even joined a pool for this season, what the heck..I'll be in the midst of football withdrawl. BTW great superbowl last night!

dyonisus 02-02-2004 01:18 PM

I was totally glued to the set, even watched the last 6 minutes of the superbowl (actually ended up beinglike 40 minutes) to see it.

I love Survivor and this one is going to rock!
Strongest tribe so far seems to be Mogo Mogo, followed by Chapera
I am glad Tina is gone, but I would hate to think Ethan is next, and Rupert, what is his game plan.

Platinum Doug 02-03-2004 11:11 AM

Okay, but what the heck does Richard think he's doing? He's going to be first one out this time! I think he's lost his marbles . . .

dyonisus 02-04-2004 11:29 AM

Yeah he is just an arrogant f*ck
nobody wants to spend 39 gruelling days trying to survive while he walks around w/ his wang out!! That is not a game it is torture.

Evil Chris 02-04-2004 12:03 PM

I like Richard... he doesn't seem to give a damn. haha..

I think I'd like to see Rudy win it though. He makes me laugh every time he says something. What a grumpy old man. LOL

Platinum Doug 02-04-2004 02:04 PM

It will be funny to see who will get teh "most improved" award. Some, like Sue, seem to fall into old habbits real quick despite attempts to do otherwise. Rob is HILLARIOUS! But I don't think he learned a thing from the last show he was on. But Jerry - well, she's trying to keep a low profile this time around . . . only one show in the can, and I'm already hooked!

Three million Canadians tuned in to watch it after the Super Bowl. That's a whack!!

Funbrunette 02-04-2004 02:31 PM

Wooohooo! I'm so pumped! I hope Rupert kicks butts! ...Still can't stand Rob the Knob! :rolleyes:

Platinum Doug 02-04-2004 02:56 PM

FB, you're right! Rob IS a knob! But at least he does it with a smile on his face!

Who's that girl with brown hair - kinda quiet. I think she's on his team, may have posed for Playboy?? I wonder how she made it back . . . she was barely on camera in her season and never had much to say. She just seemed to tow the line . . . they could have picked someone with a bit more life!!!

dyonisus 02-04-2004 05:56 PM

I heard jeff probst say that this season there is an actual well known easy to spot affair. Is it real or is it the game. He said even the production crew could not figure it out.

I like Colby, Amazon Rob, (not the italian stallion Rob) or Rupert to win. But who knows. I am soo hooked as well. CANT WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW

Evil Chris 02-04-2004 08:30 PM

There are some obvious ones who I think will go early...

I figure though, that around the mid-way point of the game, things are going to get very interesting. Everyone has experience at this game and the strategies are going to conflict. Only a couple of them are clever enough to go all the way. We'll see... I'm hooked on this one too.

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