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Vid Vicious 02-09-2004 09:52 PM

a day in the life
I thought a day in the Life thread would be cool .. I'll get us started

A day in the Life of Vid Vicious

wake up at about 10 30 am .. get a cup of joe sit at the pc and answer emails, post on boards .. till I realize that I'm late for my shoots .. Jump into a cold car and drive 25 miutes to the east end of town .. Shoot 3 scenes, Hang out wiht some naked people talking abou sex ... shoots end around 10 pm .. head to the Strip Bar, hang out there till 3 am ... then it's home for an hour of posting, and off to bed for 5 am .. start it all over again at 10:30 pm ...

GoodChris 02-10-2004 08:49 AM

Vid, when do you ever find time to pray? You know, praying is a very important part of the day that we all must take seriously.

I know personally, that if I do not pray 19 times a day, I just do not feel right.

I think you need to take a little bit of your time and share it with god, as he is your leader. He will help you see the light.

(This has been a paid advertisement by the Church of Latter Day Saints)

Bratt 02-10-2004 11:20 AM

A day in the life of Bratt..... oh boy...

Alarm goes off at 9:30am, stumble to get coffee, take our 3 pitbulls outside. Then proceed to check email on one computer, then come to mine, check email. After wading through the spam, to get to the few emails that are actually useful, i login to my admin and review galleries till I am finished. Then i go back to my email, check for replies to posts, and post on the boards till 3pm. After 3pm, I take the dogs out again, stretch for a few minutes, and sit back down here to work on another admin checking for submissions on another site I review for. After doing those, I start working on our personal stuff. I check with Kre about dinner, set out what I need to, or start dinner for later. At about 8pm, we actually might get to sit down across teh room from each other, at our desks of course, and have dinner. If there is anything on my todo list about going out to the store or anything, I take the 11pm trip to the WinnDixie(open 24 hours) cuz I hate lines of people and the store is pretty empty at that time. At this time, I then mark myself away, and retire to my bed to watch whatever tv shows we have taped from earlier that evening, and usually fall asleep during them, waking up cussing cuz i wanted to see that show.
I do have time to fit sex into this schedule whenever the mood strikes me though..... Praying... ALL DAMN DAY!

SykkBoy 02-10-2004 07:35 PM

get up at 6:00am to get the kids awake, dressed and fed to get them off to daycare
drink coffee or eat and get to the office around 10, work cutting killer deals on HGH and webcam girl traffic, add finishing touches to new affiliate program
leave the office between 5-6pm, get home, fix dinner,help kids with homework, get them bathed, pamper my wife
9pm kids to bed, work on my personal stuff, watch the occasional movie or waste some time on slingo.com as well as workon more personal stuff
get to bed at 1am and start over again

punker barbie 02-11-2004 12:30 AM

Re: a day in the life

Originally posted by Vid Vicious
I thought a day in the Life thread would be cool .. I'll get us started
A day in the Life of Vid Vicious
wake up at about 10 30 am .. get a cup of joe sit at the pc and answer emails, post on boards .. till I realize that I'm late for my shoots .. Jump into a cold car and drive 25 miutes to the east end of town .. Shoot 3 scenes, Hang out wiht some naked people talking abou sex ... shoots end around 10 pm .. head to the Strip Bar, hang out there till 3 am ... then it's home for an hour of posting, and off to bed for 5 am .. start it all over again at 10:30 pm ...

What a great thread Viddie!!!

I wake up at 9am (smoke a jay) and by 10am at my computer doing the same b/s. Then by 3pm im out the door for lunch/shopping ocssionaly pay some bills.....then take some more bong hits =)
OMG, i just realized im a nerd!!!!!!! oh well, i then come home by 7pm and back on my computer and bong hits ........:knight:

Sarah_MaxCash 02-11-2004 05:17 PM

it pretty much goes like this - wake up - get some food and bring it to desk - work - work - work - make diner - eat with hubby - watch a bit of tv - work - work - go to bed.


Black Dog 02-11-2004 08:30 PM

Vid, you lead a really rough life. ;)


Mister X 02-13-2004 04:07 AM

Hmmmm. I get up sometime between 9 and noon. Get coffee. Read email. Check to see that the sites are all up. Drink more coffee. Read the news at cbc.ca and check out some of the news at msnbc.com. Then work on a site or edit pics or cut video until 6 or 7 or 8. Eat something. Work some more. Maybe watch a movie. Do a last check of the sites and sleep sometime between 2 and 5. In between the other stuff I help with setting up shoots, occasionally watch a shoot, sometimes shoot behind the scenes type stuff, see some naked girls, fix the computers that the guys in the stripper agency screw up with trojans and spyware from surfing pornsites all day, fix the computer that the models use when they screw it up because they will say yes and download and install anything at all if it says it's free, occasionally sit and talk to someone that is around the house for a while, answer questions (dumb and otherwise), check out SE standings, check competitor's and friend's sites, etc.

And this week I've watched Vid shoot a little cuz he's been doing it here. And I've talked to Jon Dough and the other guys from Devil's film that are staying here shooting this week. Jon tells some pretty good stories and the other guys are friendly and interesting to talk to. It's a good thing that someone interesting comes here sometimes cuz it seems like I never get out of the house except to buy cigs, hehe.

Damage! 02-15-2004 03:44 PM

Excellent thread Vid.
Let's see. I wake up and check email and plan my day at 6am then it's off to the office as a Video Production Coordinator, where I shoot, edit and design until 4pm. Then I return home for a bit before I go out to either bounce at a nearby strip bar or lock my self in my editing suite and work on one of my projects.


dyonisus 02-15-2004 06:55 PM

a day in the life of dyonisus... Dance with the beautiful women, drink wine, bug Zues ..... (Mount Olympus is hell)

well I wake up, bug the wife to wake up too (hour varies according to schedule) eat brekki check email and set the day up... which sites i will work on, do I need to contact anyone immediately, what projects are do etc then i work, run whatever errands, eat some more, work alot more, cuddle w/ wife and dog and then hit the sak before I do it all over again.

Remind what a wknd is! :bonk:

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