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JFK 02-09-2004 11:00 PM

Toronto's Party hard from Saturday Nite, Pictures from F.U.B.A.R.
If you missed it its your loss, the event was well attended. By all acounts everyone had a great time! Enjoy the pics !!:D


Black Dog 02-09-2004 11:52 PM

Great pics!

It was so nice to see everybody on Saturday night. Let's do it again real soon!


Dwreck 02-10-2004 04:15 AM

Barry broke his chair at the dinner. RAW RAW.

You shuld have seen what happened. hehe

Diva 02-10-2004 02:19 PM

Saturday night was a blast.

We wished the Montreal crew could have joined us :)

cool1 02-10-2004 03:11 PM

Great pics
too bad I don't live near there..

Evil Chris 02-10-2004 03:14 PM


Originally posted by Diva
Saturday night was a blast.

We wished the Montreal crew could have joined us :)

I didn't see one webmaster from Montreal there. :confused:

JFK 02-10-2004 05:49 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I didn't see one webmaster from Montreal there. :confused:
Chris, a few of them promised to come down but I never saw them :confused: Oh well too bad , they missed a good one:cool:

Evil Chris 02-10-2004 09:37 PM

I hadn't even heard about the whole thing until it was too late to plan on going.

JFK 02-11-2004 12:56 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I hadn't even heard about the whole thing until it was too late to plan on going.
It was planned for a few weeks on GFY :rolleyes: but I guess you cant be everywhere:cool:

Diva 02-11-2004 07:25 PM


Originally posted by JFK
It was planned for a few weeks on GFY :rolleyes: but I guess you cant be everywhere:cool:
Hehe.....he's right Chris...there was a huge thread on GFY about it for a long time.

All I was getting at..... is that my favourite Montrealers were missed at the party. I hope you hear about the next party, and that those who couldn't make it this time out, are able to join us next time :)

It really was a great night.

dyonisus 02-11-2004 11:50 PM

It was a most excellent night!!!
Glad it was nice and close to home as well!
I still think my body is trying to recapture some sleep I lost from that night. :bonk: I knew I should have drank more water before bed!!! :cool:

jscott 02-12-2004 01:49 AM

wow that looked like it was a blast!!!!

gunner 02-12-2004 02:40 AM

why is it in, about 10% of the pictures taken at any webmaster event, someone is either
a) flipping off the camera
b) sticking their tongue out
c) making some other sort of funky hand gesture

Feynman 02-12-2004 04:56 AM


Originally posted by gunner
why is it in, about 10% of the pictures taken at any webmaster event, someone is either
a) flipping off the camera
b) sticking their tongue out
c) making some other sort of funky hand gesture

The cult of "Attitude". High-grade organic fertiliser it is, of course.

It probably takes root in the reptilian brain, a leftover from from an era in evolution where hissing and making faces was a defense mechanism intended to impress the enemy.

Note how most vertabraes display that behaviour, from the gecco and other lizzards to Homo Sapiens.

Some might argue that they do it for fun...

I beg to differ.

Maybe there is a link between this and Tourette Syndrom.


Shann 02-12-2004 05:36 AM

How could you have missed it EC! It was kinda short notice, only a couple weeks. Went from like 50 people to 160 very quickly.

You have to be at the next one! Vid was coming but then the weather kept him home. :(

Did ya see the website for us GnR lovers EC! hehe

www.sherienshannonpartyhard.com :)

emmanuelle 02-12-2004 09:14 AM

um- there were a couple of Montrealers there

Evil Chris 02-12-2004 10:25 AM

Shann, I thought the tee-shirts you and Sherie were wearing were pretty funny. :)

I'll definitely have to make it down to TO next time! Certainly moreso if it involves going to the ACC for a game prior to some partying!

Platinum Doug 02-12-2004 10:51 AM

Yeah, the party rocked . . . although I think I need a good week to recover still! S&S did a bang-up job, not that there was ever any doubt!!

Diva 02-12-2004 12:01 PM


Originally posted by emmanuelle
um- there were a couple of Montrealers there
It was a pleasure to meet you Emmanuelle, I do hope that you had a good time :)

Shann 02-12-2004 02:50 PM


Originally posted by emmanuelle
um- there were a couple of Montrealers there
Aha that is where you are from! I knew you weren't from Toronto! I hope you had a good time Emanuelle, I know we only spoke breifly.

I know the shirts were fab eh EC! We had them for the show floor in Vegas but had some uhhh difficulties getting to the show floor at the same time! hehehe

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