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Evil Chris 02-16-2004 10:25 AM

Your first big amount of money
When you got into the online business, what did you do with the first large amount of money you made?

Did you spend it on something nice for yourself? What?

I took it and put all of it down on my mortgage.

Black Dog 02-16-2004 01:42 PM

Yep. Same here. Still paying off that mortgage. I'd like a new car but it's hard to justify at this point.


darnpj 02-16-2004 08:10 PM

big money
Well the 1st really big money i made from one of my avs sites , I have to say i went and bought some exclusive content to get away from the content that the avs provided and might i say was saturated to the max!
As for myself I want to Atlantic City and turned what was left into MORE MONEY! And I got lucky while i was at it! It was a great week-end and i have earned many big checks since.

Evil Chris 02-16-2004 11:16 PM

re-investing is certainly important... :xthumbs:

Black Dog... I returned the Mercedes a couple years ago and traded it in for an SUV. Much more practical with a new baby.

dyonisus 02-17-2004 03:23 AM

furnished my apartment and then the next bigger chunk I bought a Jet Ski ... the next big chcunk I make is a down payment on a house!!

Bruno Dickman 02-17-2004 08:45 AM

The first big money I made was never paid for. LOL
I got fucked, and it hurt really bad. Now its in the past though.

The revenue of the following big projects were reinvested, with very little personal use. I like to travel though, and thats what I do with it besides saving. :)

But basically, Reinvesting is the keyword here!

Take care,

Bruno Dickman :xthumbs:

saver 02-17-2004 10:32 AM

i wrote a php script for an affiliate program in this biz,earned $1200,then,bought a new computer instead of my shitty P3 toshiba notebook:cool:

Don Soporno 02-17-2004 07:43 PM

I reinvested mostof it.

StuartD 02-17-2004 07:59 PM

The excess beyond what I needed went, and still goes, to my family who have been having some really rough times. Yes, it's been a while... but I will keep sending them what ever I can for as long as they need it.

darnpj 02-17-2004 10:45 PM

1st big check
Bravo Stuart!:)

Out Of The Mist,
He Came!

gunner 02-18-2004 11:17 AM

As soon as my first large amount gets here, I'm going to buy a new toothbrush. I can't recall ever regretting the money I've spent on a new toothbrush.

Kre8t0r 02-18-2004 12:04 PM

Hey Gunner,

I'd go all out of if were you! Think Spin Brush...hehe :D

SykkBoy 02-18-2004 02:35 PM

I blew it all on coke, hookers and spam software....

Feynman 02-19-2004 08:48 PM

This is to notify you that the IRS, Revenue Canada, Inland Revenue Service, etc are all WATCHING YOU !


dyonisus 02-19-2004 11:33 PM

:D -- I pay my taxes, I swear I claim it all.. really I do! :rolleyes:

LadySharlot 02-20-2004 04:10 PM

Uh...we retired. LOL

Lady Sharlot :-)

Rochard 02-20-2004 11:49 PM

The year was 1995, shortly after that Lightspeed chap taught me how to make web pages. I was running a daily swimsuit site and getting decent traffic. Some guy emails me and says he'll pay me $2k to put a banner up on my site for him. I told him to send me a check and blew it off. A few days later I got the check. It was for a preggo site. The next month he wants two banners - and offers me $4k. I'm in.

He did this for about four months total.

Don't remember what I did with the money but it sure didn't go to hookers and drugs since I don't do either of them.....

But I was hooked!

XxXotic 02-21-2004 11:50 AM

1st big check i got (over 1k) i used to build myself a new PC which i wound up replacing about a year and a half later with another big check :bonk:

Odie 02-21-2004 01:49 PM

I've always had 3 incomes, (bartending) so when I started this biz I just saved every penny that I made and went travelling with some of it and the rest I put into rrsp's...at least 20 years from now or when I buy a house I'll have some good ol porn $$$ to use!!:D

nanda 02-21-2004 08:34 PM

Put it down on the deposit for our house, and paid off our car.;)

suesheboy 02-22-2004 11:10 AM

been in this biz for 3 years now and every cent goes back into it or other mainstream biz ventures - that includes the 5 figure checks.

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