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Jeff N 02-16-2004 03:22 PM

Hello Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver.
Hello Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver.

CCBill will be represented in Seattle on the 25th thru 28th of February. Douglas Wicks and myself, Jeff Neis, will be in town visiting webmasters and some company offices.
We are staying at “The W”

We are getting a group of webmasters together on Thursday and Friday night. We would love anyone from the area to join us. Tell us who you are and lets all get together for some cocktails and a night out on CCBill  We have made reservations at Club Medusa on Thursday ..Private room. Perfect opportunity to network. Friday night will be the Supper Club in Pioneer Square. We look forward to meeting in person some of the mighty northwest representation of our industry.

Let us know who you are…

Email or ICQ for any additional info or to let us know you can attend.

Doug@ccbill.com Icq - 68-622-974
Jeff@ccbill.com Icq – 49584169

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