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sexykitten 02-16-2004 05:18 PM

ISO Content Packages
I'm looking for reasonably inexpensive content packages. I have seen so many content providers that have many sets that I like but to purchase a bunch of sets as a package doesn't seem to exist or is way to expensive. I'm looking for both gay and straight (not necessarily in the same package, but that would be great too) The only place I've found was paul markham/bargain basement. Are there any others?


Ounique 02-16-2004 05:39 PM

Hi sexykitten,

While we do not have a regular bulk offer, we do have some sort of sale every month and there is usually a way to mix different kinds of content into one good sale. If we are not running a sale or the sale we are running is not exactly what you are looking for, we do have a section of our site that is dedicated to good, inexpensive content. On our "Store" page, you will find a set of buttons with price ranges listed, these will search for the sets on our site that are available at those prices. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with. :)

sexykitten 02-17-2004 07:41 PM

Thanks for the heads up :-) I've always like Ounique content

Ounique 02-18-2004 02:26 PM

You're welcome, hon. Anything for you. And thank you for the compliment. :)

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