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Brandy 02-19-2004 03:32 PM

RainMaker Radio: Tonite at 7pm EST: Processing Transactions Online is There Daylight?
RainMaker is tonite on TAWRadio at 7pm EST!

http://rainmaker.searchenginematrix.com 7pm EST

Tonight on RainMaker

On this weeks RainMaker, Processing Transactions OnlineIs There Daylight?

Our guest this week, Dan Steinberg of Payment Systems Online will be discussing the state of processing transactions online. We'll discuss charge back rates, the rumor of the drop to half a percent in November by Visa. He'll be fielding questions on alternative payment solutions, ACH and more.

Login Now! http://RainMaker.SearchEngineMatrix.com

TheLegacy 02-19-2004 04:11 PM

looks cool.. heard some great stuff about you guys and didnt know where to find it

will definitely tune in

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