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Funbrunette 10-29-2002 10:47 AM

It's like a little miracle!
OMG!!! Chris & I heard our baby's heart for the first time this morning! It's amazing...We both had tears in our eyes! Just wanted to share this wonderful event with everyone!

<img src="http://www.belliesandbabies.com/boards/images/smilies/babydance.gif">

mailman 10-29-2002 10:56 AM

cool :D

do you know if it is a boy or a girl and how far a long are you?

Raph 10-29-2002 10:58 AM

I'm very happy for you both ! :D

How long before this little treasure comes out ?

Funbrunette 10-29-2002 11:00 AM

Well, my ultrasound is scheduled for December 12, so that's the day we will find out if were having a little boy or a little girl.

As of today, I'm due for the end of April, but you never know! :D

mailman 10-29-2002 11:02 AM

cool... :D

way to go chris :) lol

:bum: <- Funbrunette on that loving night.... Now i see why chris did what he did...

tejano B 10-29-2002 11:26 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette

As of today, I'm due for the end of April, but you never know! :D

OMG::-| my son was born in April, does that mean that me and Evil Chris have the same cycles of fecundity?

Congratulations to both of you! It's a special time:D

Jenny 10-30-2002 04:07 AM

Enjoy the moment!! Congrats!

LadySharlot 10-31-2002 11:36 AM

Oooo--End of April, 1st of May!! You're going to have a Baby Taurus!! YEAH!!! :lol: Stubborn, yet trustworthy.

I'm a Taurus too! We Rule!! LOL

Lady Sharlot ;-)

Evil Chris 10-31-2002 02:55 PM

Funbrunette is hoping for a Taurus...
I'm not entirely up to speed on all that astrological stuff though...

But it was amazing to hear the baby's heartbeat. :D
I've had my ear to her belly ever since that last doctor's appointment.
We go for our first ultra-sound in about 6 weeks.

luke 10-31-2002 02:59 PM

I remember doing all of that stuff when I was having my daughter. Its pretty cool stuff, esp. the ultrasounds.

Ounique 10-31-2002 07:13 PM


I'm a Taurus too! We Rule!! LOL
You're a Taurus Lady Sharlot??? What a load of BULL!!!

Get it? LOL!:nyanya:

Cal 10-31-2002 08:07 PM


Originally posted by LadySharlot
Oooo--End of April, 1st of May!! You're going to have a Baby Taurus!! YEAH!!! :lol: Stubborn, yet trustworthy.

I'm a Taurus too! We Rule!! LOL

Lady Sharlot ;-)

My ex girlfriends would probably beg to differ, and my parents, but hey I like being a Taurus!


m@rk 11-01-2002 07:27 AM

Nice for you both, get the tissues ready EC, after my first son was born I cried all the way home in the car, it was the best day in my life, second best day was when my second son was born ...

Darin 11-01-2002 09:39 AM

Let me get this staight..




Oh and dont forget, sex when pregnant.. be carefull not to poke the babies eye Chris...


Funbrunette 11-01-2002 11:15 AM


Originally posted by Darin

Oh and dont forget, sex when pregnant.. be carefull not to poke the babies eye Chris...


Shhhhhhhh! :shh: Don't you put ideas in his head...I may be pregnant, but I have needs...LMAO!!! It's actually healthy to have sex during the pregnancy! :D

luke 11-01-2002 02:47 PM

Looks like she bought the "its healthy to have sex when pregnant" scam Chris!

wink wink

Funbrunette 11-01-2002 04:12 PM


Originally posted by luke
Looks like she bought the "its healthy to have sex when pregnant" scam Chris!

wink wink

Hun, I made up that scam ;)

Tam 11-02-2002 12:06 AM

OH GOD!!!! I have a Taurus and while he is THE most laid back of the 4 I have, he is also the most bullheaded....... I have to tell that little dude 100 damn times to do anything......... ::-|

This is soooo wonderful Funbrunette and Chris...... I cried with all of mine when I heard their heart beat. Get you a stethoscope and you can hear it anytime you want......... ;) It's the most amazing thing and I just couldn't get enough of it........

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