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Bratt 02-23-2004 02:37 PM

Hard Link Trades
Looking for long lasting hardlink index page link trades.
PornoJpg TGP (pr4)
ClubPix-tgp.com (pr4)

There are over 4400 domain names on our plate to work with and we are ready to trade with the big and even the not so big in the business

Any trades must be hard coded if they are not galleries submitted to our tgps. We have many pr5 pages and are working with some of the highest pr pages on the net.

Small traffic sites are ok too ... they wont stay that way long

We have many PR5’s within most niches as well as links on some large sites like http://cybererotica.com linking directly to http://www.cybererotica.com/free-sites.html

If you are interested in boosting your traffic, your PR, and your link popularity post to the thread or email me traffic@pornsponsors.com or icq me at 9404443!

stardusthevn 03-07-2004 07:39 AM

What does "hard coded" mean exactly? I've seen this term a few times now, and I can only guess that it maybe it's plain old html, while its reverse, (soft coding) has something to do with an active server script(?)

There's always something new to learn.
I've been piddling with these things since 1985.
Started with a Coleco Adam, and upgraded to an IBM XT- 8 Mhz, 1- 256k, 5.25in. floppy drive.
Yeah, I'm jusht an old codger.
We didn't have all these fancy windows and active sherver pages back in my day! No sir...
I drone on too much.
Bad command or filename.

Bratt 03-08-2004 11:41 AM

Hard coded means no scripts, or toplist scripts. It means you put the link in hard coded(html code) on the page without a script
If you are interested in doing a trade, please hit me at traffic@pornsponsors.com

monaro 03-20-2004 02:31 AM


Originally posted by Bratt
Hard coded means no scripts, or toplist scripts. It means you put the link in hard coded(html code) on the page without a script
If you are interested in doing a trade, please hit me at traffic@pornsponsors.com

Bratt, could you tell us how many hits a day would you be wanting for such a hard coded link please

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