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Cold_ice 02-25-2004 03:44 PM

Gay marriage
What do you guys think of president Bush's plan to make an amendment that will ban gay marriage? I think the guy needs to get f*$ked up the ass so he will shut his mouth. He needs to leave the US Constitution alone and mind his own business. Nobody tells him how to make love to his wife or nobody tells him who to love. Why should his dumb ass be allowed to contral other peoples lives. Bush thinks he is unstopable, an that will lose him the whithouse. Fuck Bush and the horse he rode in on.

BTW I'm not gay:D

Cold_ice 02-25-2004 03:48 PM

Links Bush suxs Bush is gay

Funbrunette 02-25-2004 06:47 PM

Bush is a knob! ::-|

Izzy 02-25-2004 07:59 PM

What an ass!! The only reason ppl have a big problem with it is cuz it makes them uncomfy to be around 2 same sex married couples. the only reason they think its wrong is cuz they dont understand it at all!!! I am not gay either but dammit ppl need to get over theirselves and realize its not any of their business, so shut the fuck up!! you dont like it, then dont bother with it and mind your own business!!!

-Izzy :rolleyes:

Mister X 02-26-2004 01:32 AM

I can't imagine why anyone would give a shit if a couple guys got married. Or a couple of girls. I'm not exactly pro gay... it's a lifestyle I do not understand or admire. But I really could not possibly care less if they get married. Does it "cheapen" the "sacred" institution of marriage? Does getting married while skydiving or at halftime of some ball game or because of winning a stupid contest on a meaningless tv show cheapen it?

I guess you could say I'm neutral on the subject. I won't start cheering if gay marriage is okayed somewhere and I won't start cursing either. It's a non-issue. Who consenting adults fuck or marry shouldn't be important to anybody except the 2 or 3 or more individuals involved.

jscott 02-26-2004 01:44 AM

if this is a free country then Bush should stab himself, i've supported him a lot but this gay marriage thing is Bullshit, thats saying the freedom thing is crap in my opinion

Platinum Doug 02-26-2004 09:30 AM

Someone needs to fire him . . .. election, anyone???

TheLegacy 02-26-2004 10:11 AM

Re: Gay marriage

Originally posted by Cold_ice
What do you guys think of president Bush's plan to make an amendment that will ban gay marriage? I think the guy needs to get f*$ked up the ass so he will shut his mouth. He needs to leave the US Constitution alone and mind his own business. Nobody tells him how to make love to his wife or nobody tells him who to love. Why should his dumb ass be allowed to contral other peoples lives. Bush thinks he is unstopable, an that will lose him the whithouse. Fuck Bush and the horse he rode in on.

BTW I'm not gay:D

I think hes using graffiti on the constitution - guess its Karma coming back on us after all those years of Clinton - we now have religious extremists running the show. Makes me proud to be a Canadian!!

BTW I'm not gay - but my boyfriend is :p

sweetums 02-26-2004 03:22 PM

It's just ridiculous....

But this will be the real call to action for Americans -- either apathy will take its course or else people, even those who aren't completely pro-gay will get involved on sheer principle. I'm hoping it'll be the later because the long-term consequences for this are serious.

What next...or more appropriately...who next?

dyonisus 02-26-2004 11:10 PM

on the one hand GWB is trying to bring democracy and civil rights to the people of Iraq, yet at home he is trying to change the consititution to suit his own moral agenda!

Christian right talking about the sanctity of marriage BAHHH, what about the civil liberties of all people???

Panky 02-26-2004 11:53 PM

Gay people are not sub-humans. They should have every right to marry whomever they choose. People are passing judgment because of their own personal views of religion and "marriage".

People also raise issues with insurance, taxes, effects on society..., but that's all garbage too. Bottom line is, it offends people because of their own personal views on religion. If the Bible told a story of two people of the same gender getting "married" and this was acceptable, people wouldn't be bitching about Gay marriages in this day and age.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

nanda 02-26-2004 11:54 PM

I say let them be...who is anyone to control who you can marry and not marry? ;)

Panky 02-27-2004 12:51 AM


Originally posted by sweetums

What next...or more appropriately...who next?

I agree.

It's not a pleasant feeling to think of who will be next in the cross hairs. There's people who believe that if you marry someone of a different race or religion, some have taken it so far as from a different country, that you are commiting some kind of immoral sin. Some people believe that if you marry someone outside of your religion, you will not go to "heaven". So, it just kind of makes you wonder that if same sex marriages are not recognized, how far some of these people will use the ruling to justify their views and cause?

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/k/dontknow.gif" width="37" height="15">

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