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Evil Chris 03-01-2004 04:41 PM

You like punk music?
Old stuff like the Ramones?

What about the Monks? Anyone other than me still listen to them? :)

What are your favourite punk bands?

Gabba Gabba Hey! :p

dyonisus 03-01-2004 04:53 PM

The Ramones - I definitely dig them
Skinny Puppy though I would say more of an industrialized punk
the Clash - a little ska type punk

Vid Vicious 03-01-2004 06:54 PM

Dead Kennedy and Sex Pistols .. To name a few

nanda 03-01-2004 06:59 PM

Sex Pistols rock!
My husband introduced me to punk music...;)

MetatronSpookyCash 03-01-2004 09:20 PM

The Monks? "Nice Legs, Shame About Her Face"?

Damn, I haven't heard anyone mention the Monks since 1985...

Evil Chris 03-01-2004 09:24 PM


Originally posted by MetatronSpookyCash
The Monks? "Nice Legs, Shame About Her Face"?

Damn, I haven't heard anyone mention the Monks since 1985...

haha... exactly! Love that band... :D

Mikel 03-02-2004 12:24 PM

heheeh, thatèa a thread for me :p
I listen to The new York dolls these day and always a little bit of GG Allin... I almost only listen to old punk rock except for the Refused which is the only not to old punk band I like, the rest is mainly pop-punk :(

Magnus3x 03-02-2004 12:36 PM

I love PUNK

Dayglo Abortions
Dead Kennedy's
Pistols...clash..but of course
The Cramps
Anti No Where League
GI GI Allen
The Damned

Mikel 03-02-2004 12:41 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
I love PUNK

Dayglo Abortions
Dead Kennedy's
Pistols...clash..but of course
The Cramps
Anti No Where League
GI GI Allen
The Damned

look like we have the same taste, have you seen the biography of GG Allin?

Evil Chris 03-02-2004 01:27 PM

That's quite a list Mag... Can't say I know most of 'em.

I've always considered myself a fan of punk rock or garage punk. I guess that puts me in the category of pop punk, cuz I never got much into the really heavy stuff. Here are a few of my favourites, and don't kill me if you don't think they fit into "punk". :)

The Clash
The Sex Pistols
Jim Carroll
The Monks
The Jam
The Ramones
Bad Religion
Husker Du
Sonic Youth

Magnus3x 03-02-2004 02:35 PM

GG Allin was a nutbar.. yeah I have seen some concert (if you can call it that) footage.

Well EC i mean some of those Punk band were very heavy BUT they had really catchy tunes...just like the pop punk of today but heavier guitar. HUSKER DU kicked so much ass!!!

Skate/Surf/Board Hardcore I like
Bad Religion
Bad Brains
Offspring <-----First 2 albums only!!!!
Cadillac Tramps

Funbrunette 03-02-2004 03:35 PM

Not really and I don't want my son listening to that...lol :nyanya: Actually I don't mind it, but I won't go out of my way to listen to it!

SKULL 03-02-2004 06:04 PM

The Ramones
The Clash
Sex Pistols
Misfits (With Glen Only)
La Polla Records (Spanish)
The Exploited

dyonisus 03-02-2004 07:21 PM

Sonic Youth - love that band but never really considered them punk but more grunge, kinda just on the fringe though. Saw them at Molson Park one year and I loved it all the intentional feedback and Jimmy Page type pedals etc...

Also really dig the dead kennedy's -- ahh brings back those youthful days gone by!! Man I wanna get in a mosh pit!

webgurl 03-03-2004 12:05 AM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
I love PUNK


I remember them Society's No Fucken Use ? Is that what it stands for ?
Misfits was also a good one

Cold_ice 03-03-2004 01:05 AM

Wow of all those mentioned and I have only heard of one band. Offspring:eek:

Izzy 03-03-2004 07:11 AM

OMG umm hmm shit I looove and i am serious, any genre of music ( EXCEPT COUNTRY) so i enjoy punk a lot but i cant chooose umm, ok weezer and the offspring are definitely some good ones, umm queens of the stone age are good too. hmm i do think queens of the stone age is punk, im confused now lol. umm hmm dammit i cant think straight. but yea punk is good shit!!


dyonisus 03-03-2004 07:39 PM

Regardless of the genre of Queens of the Stoneage, I like em too!!! :D

Dimitar 03-04-2004 04:28 AM

How about Goa/Psy trance music ?

Anyone here hear that type of music ?

Trust in trance :)

LAJ 03-04-2004 02:57 PM

Chris.. THE MONKS!!!

Nice fuckin call dude!!!!

Yeah... I've been into punk rock since about 1983... old school... so cal... pop punk... brit punk... hardcore... speed... you name it, I dig it.

All time faves tho are:

Dead Kennedys

But hell... I could go on and on for hours...

Mikel 03-04-2004 03:05 PM


Originally posted by Cold_ice
Wow of all those mentioned and I have only heard of one band. Offspring:eek:
Offspring is ok, but not real punk rock!

Buzzcocks, Iggy Pop, Ian Dury, Nina Haggen, Johnny Thunder, CRASS, Flipper, there is too many to continue, but anyone have heard good punk recently? Something recent, pls no green day lol

Milo 03-04-2004 06:52 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Husker Du
When i was a kid i only dug the ultra core stuff in albums like "Metal Circus" and "Everything Falls Apart" and neglected the other albums...

I was a speed junky mostly.. still i am, but enjoying them at other levels.

Lately i´ve been re-discovering them and i am deeply in love with
"New Day Rising" and "Flip Your Wig".

So Hüsker Dü is amongts the top of my list =)

I also play in a punk rock band, more street/oi oriented, but i drop some Slayer/Maiden influences, as well as some AC/DC in it ;)

ALL and Descendents are on top of my list BTW.

LAJ 03-04-2004 07:08 PM

Ugh... how could I forget Husker Du having lived in Minneapolis myself for so many years...

I'm so ashamed...:bonk:

Mr. Goodwood 03-05-2004 02:19 PM

you guys all nailed some great bands, i was really stoked to see dayglo abortions up there...
kinda bummed i didnt see some of the greats like...
Sam Hain/Misfits/Danzig Band

Other good bands to check out...
Smutt Peddlers
Bad Religion
Operation Ivy
Good Riddance
Strung Out

i could go on forever but i dont think this would be a proper post unless we payed respect to the forfathers of punk, cause lets face it, none of these bands any of us mentioned would have existed if it werent for Black Sabbath!!

SykkBoy 03-05-2004 06:45 PM

The Pistols
The Clash
The Meatmen
Richard Hell
Box Of Frogs
Dead Kennedys
GG Allin
GBH (gotta love their song "Sick Boy" ;-)))
Sonic Youth
The Ramones
The Meat Puppets
Black Flag
Government Issue
The Damned
The Cramps
Bad Brains (they kind of fell into a couple categories and "I Against I" is still one of the best fucking songs of all time)

there were some great ones for sure

Cold_ice 03-06-2004 01:59 AM


Originally posted by Mikel
Offspring is ok, but not real punk rock!

Okay then i have not heard of any.:cool:

Bigsampy 03-10-2004 09:54 AM

Re: You like punk music?

Originally posted by Evil Chris
Old stuff like the Ramones?

What about the Monks? Anyone other than me still listen to them? :)

What are your favourite punk bands?

Gabba Gabba Hey! :p

My ears are still ringing from the Last Ramones concert I went too (back in 94 I think). Also have fond memories of DRI, Circle Jerks, Agnostic Front, Black Flag, Agent Orange, Exploited, etc!!! \

Mosh or die!

(yikes, at my age, I'd break if I fell over).

Sarah_MaxCash 03-10-2004 09:08 PM

exactly my kind of music.

The Buzzcocks
The Dammed

They just get me going but I am such an old punk lover :)

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