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-   -   Phoenix Forum: Rooms for the Doubletree La Posada Resort are still available (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=6657)

corvett 03-03-2004 01:24 PM

Phoenix Forum: Rooms for the Doubletree La Posada Resort are still available
I had posted this on a few other boards, wanted to make sure that everybody was in the loop on this-Mark

Dear Phoenix Forum Attendee,

IMPORTANT NOTE! The entire hotel is being held exclusively for the Phoenix Forum for the dates of April 1 – 3, 2004. Unless, you mention the Phoenix Forum or reference our group code when making your reservation, the hotel will not be aware that you are a part of our group and they will tell you that they are booked for those days

As of today, there are still a few rooms available for the Phoenix Forum at the Doubletree La Posada; but, with the event just one month away and registration already topping 500 for the event, they are booking up very quickly! We have secured a special rate of $170 (+tax) for Phoenix Forum attendees; however to take advantage of this special rate, reservations must be made by Friday, March 5, 2004. After this date, we cannot guarantee the special rate.

For your convenience, you can book your room and secure the special rate online or by calling the La Posada Resort directly:

Online at www.laposadaresort.com
When booking your reservation online, you must enter the group code, CCB in the Group/Convention Code field located in the Special Accounts section in order to receive the negotiated conference rate.

La Posada reservations - 602.952.0420

Mention the Phoenix Forum or group code CCB to receive the special rate.

If you have difficulty making your reservation, please contact us at inquiries@thephoenixforum.com.

We are gearing up for a great event this year and look forward to seeing you there! For more information, visit www.thephoenixforum.com. The site will be updated regularly with important information for both sponsors and attendees.

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