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Evil Chris 10-31-2002 11:06 AM

Adultdex / Cybernetexpo
It's approaching fast! Who's going?
Funbrunette and I will be there...


Sharpie... can you get in touch with me please?

baddog 10-31-2002 11:38 AM

I am there . . .. .and I like these Halloween colors

mailman 10-31-2002 11:42 AM

Nope i will e here posting to my self.... :(

To busy right in the middle of moving.... plus i have never gone to one before.

lol ;)

Horg 10-31-2002 12:04 PM


Originally posted by mailman
Nope i will e here posting to my self.... :(

To busy right in the middle of moving.... plus i have never gone to one before.

lol ;)

I'll be here as well. Second half of the school semester is the one you don't want to fuck up ! Especially when it's your last semester EVER !

luke 10-31-2002 02:24 PM

I won't be there but hopefully will make it to the Jan. show. You all have fun and take a lot of pics!

Evil Chris 10-31-2002 02:28 PM

Adultdex is always a fun show. I've been to the last three of them.
Although the turnout in pure numbers is lower than Internext, there are still a lot of webmasters who come out to simply attend, and take advantage of the great networking opportunities.

Cal 10-31-2002 05:06 PM

I went to AWE in LA and I'll be in Vegas. You going to have a booth Chris? I think DK and I are going to wander around, not doing a booth for this show.


cyberpunk 10-31-2002 10:44 PM

I won't be there, but Sykkboy will be there representing for DarkDollars.com

Cal 11-01-2002 12:13 AM


Originally posted by cyberpunk
I won't be there, but Sykkboy will be there representing for DarkDollars.com
CP you're in Canada now? Didn't think it was you because of the location. Guess you can't shoot Vanessa now ;)


Sharpie 11-01-2002 09:59 AM

:badcomp: Hi Chris...... sorry, I haven't been around. I changed browsers and didn't have you in my bookmarks.

A lot of people don't realize that http://www.AdultDex.com & http://www.cybernetexpo.com are two different things. AdultDex is the showroom which caters to both the general public and Industry Professionals.

Cybernet Webmaster Events at AdultDex are exclusively for webmasters. AdultDex is just the showroom. We have the workshops, and the networking similiar to Montreal. The biggest difference is that Lightspeed Cash and Profit Plantation also have sandwiches, veggie trays, meat trays, etc, from noon until 6pm in the networking lounge - the three days of the event.

Other evetnts are in the planning including a welcoming party on Thursday. Check the website for updates and events.

Evil Chris 11-01-2002 10:05 AM

Hello Sharpie...
Thanks for the update on Adultdex. My question got answered already, thanks. It was about the cut-off date for room reservations at the Tropicana, but I managed to get it done yesterday and take advantage of the special rates.
So I will be seeing you at the Tropicana! :)

Sharpie 11-01-2002 10:23 AM

Yes, that cutoff for those $49 rooms in the Island tower is today. Those jaccuzzi suite prices at $149 are sweet (no pun intended) I am hoping they will extend the cutoff date... but I don't klnow .....???

Online signup is only $99 and includes everything! Worshops, food & drink in the networking lounge, any parties...etc. The script will be taken down on Nov 10th and the price at the door is $125.

LAJ 11-01-2002 10:56 AM

I'll be there representing YNOTMasters :)

We are the official media sponsor and will be covering the seminars at http://www.ynotnews.com

Here's a list of the seminars...

I've still got a few openings, so if you anyone is interested in doing a writeup of one of the seminars for YNOTNews in exchange for free advertising to all of our webmasters (almost 10,000 double opt ins and growing!!) send me an email to editor@ynotnews.com !!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there... especially you, Chris and Funbrunette!! :)

Sharpie 11-01-2002 07:17 PM

[quote]Originally posted by Sharpie
[b]Yes, that cutoff for those $49 rooms in the Island tower is today. Those jaccuzzi suite prices at $149 are sweet (no pun intended) I am hoping they will extend the cutoff date... but I don't klnow .....???

Well, I talked them into extending it a week, so the pressure is off. But, get it done!

And the online signup too - don't make me crazy!

Funbrunette 11-01-2002 09:07 PM

WOOOHOOOO! Can't wait for the show! Faye & Dave you guys always do an amazing job :D

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