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scottb 03-06-2004 10:36 AM

I have been in the AVS business for five years and use primarily HTML and a little JavaScript and PERL.

I am pretty good with VB.

My question is, I need to expand my business as I believe the AVS business has reached a plateau.

I wish to create more interactive sites and develop a broader base of entertainment for my guests.

What languages should I learn? There are so many out there that I see on the big sites.

PHP, ASP, JSP, CFM, etc. I can't learn them all. Which one would be the most useful. The server I use and am very happy with supports PERL version 5.8.1, PHP version 4.3.3, MySQL version 4.0.15-standard. The server is Linux with Apache version 1.3.29 (Unix).



gabrio 03-07-2004 07:50 PM

go for PHP w/ mysql database, they rock!

monaro 03-08-2004 01:48 AM


Originally posted by gabrio
go for PHP w/ mysql database, they rock!

Too true Gabrio..

scottb : at prenent i am reviewing this sort of software.. http://www.superiorsql.com/ not too sure if i will buy it tho.

NetRodent 03-08-2004 02:14 PM

Since you already know some perl, you might want to look into HTML::Mason. Mason runs under mod_perl and gives you PHP like templating with Perl semantics. There's a bit of a learning curve but it has some very nifty features.

scottb 03-08-2004 09:15 PM

I have finally decided to learn PHP/mySQL combo.

I've read the board and looked around the net and saw that PHP is very common.

The thing that made the decision for me was a conversation I had last night with a friend I have not seen in a couple of years. She owns a small web site development and maintenance company doing work for banks and that kind of thing. She works in ASP but has a lot of requests for PHP work. She told me she would throw me all the subcontract work I would want if I learned PHP.

I have purchased a PHP Editor from http://www.c-point.com/ and ordered some books.


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