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southernplatinum 03-11-2004 03:55 PM

hello from a newbie...
just a quick note to say hi everyone before i go back to reading/learning...

Magnus3x 03-11-2004 04:09 PM

Greetings and welcome to Xnations!

gabrio 03-11-2004 04:29 PM


Evil Chris 03-11-2004 04:42 PM

Welcome SP!
Glad you made it here. Tell us what you do on the web. :D

southernplatinum 03-11-2004 05:09 PM

thanks for the welcome!!!
i'm working on my first site...it is up and running, now i just have to get traffic!!! i am working on the keywords & adding text etc...so much to learn & do...:book: :nuts: :)

AphEX[NEX] 03-11-2004 05:24 PM

welcome to Xnations!

Visualad 03-11-2004 07:12 PM


Panky 03-11-2004 09:23 PM

Welcum to XNations! <img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/wave2.gif" width="25" height="22">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

nanda 03-11-2004 09:37 PM


monaro 03-12-2004 06:19 AM

Welcome to xnations..

Say, spent a few minutes looking at your site, looks like you have done alot of work..

To help you with some search word turns, do some research on the sites that are at the top of your keyword search with using your search engine.

Best of luck, have fun with your fresh looking site..

southernplatinum 03-12-2004 02:19 PM

thanks monaro...that's what i'm working on now...:)

rollop10 03-13-2004 11:10 AM

welcome to the board

Funbrunette 03-13-2004 08:08 PM

Yeah...Yeah...I'm a bit late I know, but welcome anyway! :xhappy:

Dimitar 03-13-2004 11:35 PM

Welcome aboard southernplatinum :p

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