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Bratt 03-12-2004 11:32 AM

Something that gets my goat..
Some of you may know this, but I just heard it yesterday... they are trying to bring up a bill/issue in the govt that gives ALL movies that contain people 'smoking cigarrettes' a mandatory R rating......

Why can't they leave well enough alone? I thought this was America, the land of the free? Where the constitution allows for us to have freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of the press... What happened to that?

Evil Chris 03-12-2004 11:43 AM

That's crazy! Why don't they just outlaw cigarettes completely then... :mad:

Bratt 03-12-2004 11:57 AM

Isn't that what they are trying to do anyway Chris? Trying to take our freedom of 'choice' away?

Magnus3x 03-12-2004 12:01 PM

I think people should be concerned with some other freedoms and choices being taken away in this day and time.

dyonisus 03-12-2004 12:21 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
That's crazy! Why don't they just outlaw cigarettes completely then... :mad:
HERE HERE :D that would be my choice! I would vote for that!
Sorry to offend any smokers, but sometimes 2nd hand smoke is so irritating!! And really it is not that good for you. Choose Alcohol Choose Pot either will not kill you as fast as tobacco!

twinkley 03-12-2004 12:44 PM

NO Offence ...

but what i do to my own body should be NO ONES BUSINESS but mine. If I choose to kill myself slowly with cigarettes, thats my choice.

I have friends that are allergic to ciggie smoke - i just dont smoke around them as a courtesy. If anyone came up to me and asked me to stop cause it was bothering them (nicely) ... i would

BUT DONT FUCKING *TELL* ME I CANT SMOKE! It's MY body, I will do whatever I want with it! I dont tell you what to do with yours!

Okay, im done ranting ...


GoodChris 03-12-2004 01:49 PM

This is being done ofcourse by the same Government that insisted that movies showing the World trade Centers had to edit them out because it might have hurt the feelings of some People to have to see them.

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