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Deise 03-18-2004 07:39 AM

Do you have any friend you`ve known almost all you`re life?
I have a friend called Ligia and I met her when I was 5 years old.We studied together and she`s a good friend to me and I like her very much.I almost forgot my mother,my father,my two sisters and my brother are my friends, too.

Yngwie 03-18-2004 07:45 AM

I have a few friends that I still talk to that I met when I was about 12 (I'm 29 now) although, most of them are unreliable and two faced kind of like most of my so called friends..

There's 2 that I met about 12 years ago that are still good friends though

my friend Domingo and Tammy

Can't really count my family in this even though I've known them all of my life, obviously lol

monaro 03-18-2004 08:54 AM

Re: Do you have any friend you`ve known almost all you`re life?

Originally posted by Deise
I have a friend called Ligia and I met her when I was 5 years old.We studied together and she`s a good friend to me and I like her very much.I almost forgot my mother,my father,my two sisters and my brother are my friends, too.
Welcome to xnations Deise and to answer your question on this post, being a guy i would have to say "noodles" was my first friend..

qwebecexpo 03-18-2004 09:57 AM

we are a bunch of friends (10) for about 20 yerasand we still have dinner parties at each other place, at least once a week.


sweet7 03-18-2004 11:29 AM

Got a couple like that. Friends I've known for most of my life. Some drift back and forth from time to time but they never really go away. Sometimes you wish they would ;) Then you realize you were wrong. :)

Deise 03-18-2004 11:46 AM

It`s nice when you have good friends that still care with you.

Bratt 03-18-2004 01:53 PM

I lost track of most of my old high school friends after college and we all moved onward and away from the small town we grew up in. The longest standing friend I have is Laura and she and I have been friends since Feb of 1984, I remember this cuz I met her through the one girl I ran around with all through highschool. She introduced me to Laura and Laura and I became such good friends it upset the other and she no longer wanted to be our friend. Laura is now the god-mother to both of my children and I for hers. We dont' see each other very often, but we talk on the phone, email and letters still.

Kris 03-18-2004 03:01 PM

i went to preschool with this guy... we were always together. then i didn't see him for a few years. when we were little (3rd, 4th, 5th grade) our baseball/basketball/soccer teams would play against each other. then we went to the same school from 6th grade on. we're still friends.

i have a best friend that i've known since i was 12. we dated when we were 16/17. after that she kinda went her own way, hanging out with a different crowd, but we still called each other every night. she's married now and we don't talk as much, but when we do, it's like no time has past since the last time we spoke. she's like a sister to me now.


AudreyLive 03-18-2004 03:11 PM

I have a few friends that I knowed all my life. Some moved in another town so I lost them.

DrGuile 03-18-2004 06:11 PM

My oldest friends go back about 10 years. But Im not that old ;)

Vitor 03-19-2004 07:16 AM

Good and special friends are always kept in the heart! When I was a child, there was that kid... we always fought like dog and cat. Time passed and we ended up being good friends, today I consider him as a brother.

GoodChris 03-19-2004 03:42 PM

Re: Re: Do you have any friend you`ve known almost all you`re life?

Originally posted by monaro
Welcome to xnations Deise and to answer your question on this post, being a guy i would have to say "noodles" was my first friend..
Is noodles the pet name you've given to your penis?

Evil Chris 03-19-2004 03:47 PM

I have a couple of friends that I have been fairly close to for about 20 years.

Chichio 03-19-2004 06:13 PM

I have a friend that I honestly met when I was 3. Well, more like we were sat next to eachother as babies. :)

webgurl 03-19-2004 06:31 PM


Originally posted by Chichio
I have a friend that I honestly met when I was 3. Well, more like we were sat next to eachother as babies. :)

awwwww that is super cute !

Deise 03-22-2004 01:08 PM


Originally posted by Chichio
I have a friend that I honestly met when I was 3. Well, more like we were sat next to eachother as babies. :)
That`s very cool!

Sometimes,it`s difficult to find good friends.

sweet7 03-22-2004 01:23 PM


Originally posted by Deise
That`s very cool!

Sometimes,it`s difficult to find good friends.

I'd say it's always hard to find good friends.

dyonisus 03-22-2004 02:59 PM

I have one friend that goes back nearly 20yrs
then a few that are like 10 yrs
most though are 3 - 5 or newer

jscott 03-22-2004 03:02 PM

i'm 24 now and my oldest current good friend goes back til i was probably 13 or 14. i find it more and more difficult to stay friends with all my high school friends as time goes on.

most dont care, give up on their friends once they get a girl or have a kid, its bullshit cuz when they break up they'll come running back

NetRodent 03-22-2004 09:42 PM

One of my friends I've know pretty much since birth. His parents were in the same pre-natal parenting classes as mine. He's in the Navy and stationed in the UK so I don't speak to him much anymore.

monaro 03-23-2004 10:17 AM

Hi NetRodent, can you write to him?

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