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Sexualbids.com 03-20-2004 08:28 PM

Just introducing myself
Just wanted to say hello to everybody. Great site

Funbrunette 03-20-2004 08:30 PM

Hello and welcum to Xnations! http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/...3dbiggrin3.gif

Sexualbids.com 03-20-2004 08:31 PM

Thank you for the welcome FunBrunette

Panky 03-20-2004 08:37 PM

Welcum to XNations! <img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/wave2.gif" width="25" height="22">

<img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/upsidedown.gif" width="15" height="15">

Yngwie 03-20-2004 09:31 PM

welcome to the board

AphEX[NEX] 03-20-2004 09:32 PM

welcome to Xnations ! :cool:

Gruntled 03-20-2004 09:42 PM

Welcome to the nation!

AudreyLive 03-20-2004 10:00 PM

Hello Sexualbids!

Welcome to Xnations :)

monaro 03-20-2004 10:05 PM

Big Aussie Hug comming your way there SB..

welcome to xnations

monaro 03-20-2004 10:21 PM

Re: Just introducing myself

Originally posted by Sexualbids.com
Just wanted to say hello to everybody. Great site

How many G-RING! 's have you sold?

And that big purple felt and sandpaper paddle looks like a bread board..

I wonder how good that would feel? Anyone?

Sexualbids.com 03-21-2004 01:15 AM

I have never sold anything on the website. The members sell them and others bid on them and buy them. I think I recall that seller selling one recently though.

Thanks for all the welcomes. Thats great

What a great board

monaro 03-21-2004 01:46 AM


Originally posted by Sexualbids.com
I have never sold anything on the website. The members sell them and others bid on them and buy them. I think I recall that seller selling one recently though.

Thanks for all the welcomes. Thats great

What a great board

As soon as I saw that g-ring, i quickly rang a girl friend of mine who is about 11 hours drive from me and showed her. lol she wants to try something like that with me someday she says.

Sexualbids.com 03-21-2004 12:51 PM

It does look like fun :D

Ask the seller about it.

Panky 03-21-2004 06:11 PM

Now I definitely need to go see what this g-ring thing is all about.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Sexualbids.com 03-21-2004 06:40 PM

It looks pretty cool. Should be fun, get lots of positions happening :D

Dimitar 03-22-2004 02:53 AM

Welcome aboard

Deise 03-23-2004 06:45 AM

Welcome to Xnations and it`s nice have you here with us.
You`re gonna have funny times here.
Enjoy it!


monaro 03-23-2004 10:05 AM


Originally posted by Panky
Now I definitely need to go see what this g-ring thing is all about.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Did you see it? If you did, tell us what joy this g-ring can bring!

okny 03-23-2004 10:39 AM

Welcome to Xnations.

sweet7 03-23-2004 11:20 AM


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