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Electra 09-01-2002 02:17 AM

Webmaster Hours
As webmasters..what kind of hours do you keep? I know some people are able to work 9-5 and take off weekends...but I think most of us work really weird hours.

Evil Chris 09-01-2002 10:24 AM

Weird indeed Electra... I pretty much start at about 9am every day of the week and go till about 6 or 7pm. But then I always check in to see what's happening here and there all the time.

XxXotic 09-01-2002 10:58 AM

wake up 7am-ish
do bathroom rituals (wash face, tinkle, brush teeth etc)
sit down at comp
usually i need to go to day job at some point so when that time comes i go when i come home i...

bathroom ritual
site down at comp
back to work
bed 2-3am

rinse and repeat

Evil Chris 09-01-2002 11:18 AM


Originally posted by XxXotic
rinse and repeat
hehe... reminds of that commercial with Dr. Ruth...


XxXotic 09-01-2002 02:23 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris

hehe... reminds of that commercial with Dr. Ruth...


zeeee peeeeeniz

dr ruth is a hoot!

Mister X 09-01-2002 03:14 PM

about 9 AM to 2 AM for me. With pee and eat breaks, etc.

Evil Chris 09-01-2002 03:17 PM

If I'm working alone, I forget to eat... Funbrunette has to remind me to eat... it's crazy!

Mister X 09-01-2002 03:21 PM

I eat when I'm hungry but the times can be a bit strange. :D

Socks Manly 09-01-2002 03:50 PM

Usually go to sleep around 5-7am, get up around 2-3pm, work in between.

Raya 09-02-2002 01:04 AM

Socks Manly you sound like my partner that's what his schedule is like. Mine is strange but not quite that bad. On my own schedule I get up around 10 or 11 a.m. I do some random non computer work until 12 including email if I can. I work from early afternoon until about 2 am including some time on the boards. I go to sleep between 2-3 a.m. If I stay up after that I slowly get less and less productive.

Now if I have to work some place besides the boat or I have a photo shoot I work on their schedule. I'm just a little grumpy till I have enough coffee to keep my eyes from closing.

Darin 09-02-2002 02:04 AM

Yeah, I forget to eat and then I start feeling sick cause my stomach needs some grub after not eating all day...

we are addicted..

roger 09-02-2002 03:01 AM

Work hard... Play hard

work all hours from Dusk till Dawn:p

tejano B 09-02-2002 04:46 AM

I try to be a very competent and astute business minded individual who also is a staunch socialist and behaves accordingly to local work laws, the 35 hour work week and 5 week paid holiday per annum that is in existence in this great country of France *whistles first refrain of the Marseillaise*
9am arrival on time (with a margin of 15-20 minutes of 'retard' which is French for late, not mentally challenged like you probably initially gathered)
9:01 slap Tafkap upside the head a say "Bonjour dooooood!"
9:03 first coffee break
10:00 read extranet
10:30 read stats and mail and other pertinent sources related to da niz that i prefer keep to myself for the time being :)
10:45 spark up real player (open mlb.com during regular and post season play, my library for stockpile of MP3 pleasure the rest o' the time)
10:46 spark up Photoshop, Image Ready, Fireworks, Flash, Dreamweaver, Ultra Edit or whatever the tasks du jour call for...
11:30 coffee break 2
12:30 coffee break 3
1:00 Lunch begins
2:30 Lunch over
2:35 Forums, mail, continuation of visit in HTML/graphics land plus barrage of ICQs towards the waking giant (aka US & Canada)...
3:00 coffee break 4
4:30 Tea and Crumpets
5:50 extranet, stats, mail
6:01 Set sail

Electra 09-03-2002 04:53 PM

You guys think theres any advantage in having a physical office away from the house? Or not ?

XXXMgmt 09-03-2002 09:04 PM

For me I must go to the full time job first then come home and do more work. So I usually get going in the am just before 5 I wake do some cardio, shower and then head to the fulltime job from 7 - 3:30, go pick up my son and come home and begin working on my other stuff for my businesses.

As to would I like to have an office away from home, I would love for my home to be my office all the time and not have to leave it to do my work. Someday.:)

Socks Manly 09-03-2002 10:59 PM


Originally posted by Electra
You guys think theres any advantage in having a physical office away from the house? Or not ?
ASS has a loft where we do all of our work out of.. It's a play/work area, so we don't feel a need to leave to enjoy ourselves.. It helps with the 16 hour workdays!

While an office is an extra expense, it's essential for us to keep things moving at a good speed.

Evil Chris 09-03-2002 11:01 PM


Originally posted by Socks Manly

ASS has a loft where we do all of our work out of.. It's a play/work area, so we don't feel a need to leave to enjoy ourselves.. It helps with the 16 hour workdays!

Sounds nice... do you have a foosball table? LOL

Raya 09-03-2002 11:25 PM

I'm pretty good at working on my own I have freelanced so often over the years that I have gotten used to it. I make a list in my head and keep ticking things off. I work out of an office one to two days a week, for me that is all the structure I need.

I actually get more work done on my own alone, I get wrapped up in it. I do forget to eat and take breaks bit I get a lot done.

teddyz 10-21-2003 12:15 PM

12midnight to 6am.

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