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Kre8t0r 03-23-2004 02:13 PM

SEO Chat
I rarely post things to our tutorial chats but this is something many will want to attend...

Today at 3pm we will be having one of the best SEO chats ever... Quite a few big name players attending! If you ever wanted to pick some good SE tips this is it!

irc.adultnetsurprise.com channnel #netsurprise or java chat http://www.adultnetsurprise.com/chatroom/chatroom.html 3pm ET Today!!


Panky 03-23-2004 02:38 PM

Pretty cool! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/9/biggthum.gif" width="33" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

sweet7 03-23-2004 03:56 PM

yeah not bad at all

sweet7 03-23-2004 05:13 PM

still going!

sweet7 04-19-2004 06:46 PM

any SEO refreshers in the near future?

monaro 04-20-2004 01:04 AM

Re: SEO Chat

Originally posted by Kre8t0r
I rarely post things to our tutorial chats but this is something many will want to attend...

Today at 3pm we will be having one of the best SEO chats ever... Quite a few big name players attending! If you ever wanted to pick some good SE tips this is it!

irc.adultnetsurprise.com channnel #netsurprise or java chat http://www.adultnetsurprise.com/chatroom/chatroom.html 3pm ET Today!!


G'day, is that 3pm Tuesday for you, meaning 4:30am Wed. for myself?

sweet7 04-20-2004 11:18 AM

Re: Re: SEO Chat

Originally posted by monaro
G'day, is that 3pm Tuesday for you, meaning 4:30am Wed. for myself?
Hey Monaro this chat already passed a while ago. I just ressurected the thread to see if there would be a refresher or more advanced SEO chat in the near future because the one that already took place was quite good. :)

Kre8t0r 04-20-2004 12:01 PM

Hey Folks!
I noticed a few people interested in the SEO chat we had a few weeks ago. If nobody minds I can post the log from that chat for those who missed it. Just let me know.. :D

Panky 04-20-2004 03:00 PM

It was definitely a cool chat. A lot of good info for sure. You can post to it, or upload it somewhere and link to it. It's a long read, but well worth it.

sweet7 04-20-2004 03:08 PM


Originally posted by Kre8t0r
Hey Folks!
I noticed a few people interested in the SEO chat we had a few weeks ago. If nobody minds I can post the log from that chat for those who missed it. Just let me know.. :D

Damn straight it was a great chat! Will there be any similar SEO chats in the near future? I wouldn't mind a something a little more advanced to wrap my paws around :D

Kre8t0r 04-20-2004 06:51 PM

That was an awesome chat.. 2.5 hours worth...lol I'm going to try to get that same group together for part two, this way we could go into much more detail and maybe get to the more advanced parts of SEO. I'll keep you posted sweet7. Here is the log for the SE chat, like Panky said it's a long read but well worth the time.. :D



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