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Don Soporno 03-23-2004 05:30 PM

ATTN: phpadsnew help please
I am trying to figoure out how to use the local mode invocation codes but I am having problems. I am using a .php extemsion


I have it working here


using the remote java code but it loads slow

Im not sure if I am following the direction corectly as you can see from the fact that no galleries show and the errors on the bottom of the page.
Could someone who knows what they are doing and has ICQ or a phone help me please. I will call you so you dont have any long distance charges, I am desperate, I have been woprking on this since last night.


sweet7 03-23-2004 05:41 PM

I dunno if this helps but I've heard that it's a memory hog. This might be why it's loading so slowly.

GoodChris 03-23-2004 08:06 PM

I would help, but I'm just another damn Chris.:nyanya:

Don Soporno 03-23-2004 10:03 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
I dunno if this helps but I've heard that it's a memory hog. This might be why it's loading so slowly.

if youuse the remote java code its slow but other than that it seems to run pretty fast..

Chris I didnt expect any of the Chrises to be of ass istance but if any of you have useful info please spill it dude...LOL

Evil Chris 03-23-2004 10:15 PM

phpadsnew is in use here at xnations, and it isn't a memory hog at all.
But don't ask me too many questions about it because I only know the basics about using it... :)

Don Soporno 03-24-2004 12:34 AM

I got the basics down but am trying to get into some more advanced stuff.

monaro 03-24-2004 05:47 AM

Re: ATTN: phpadsnew help please
Don, I do not fully understand php but I speed read and I can break down a problem to find a solution. I just found this url could be useful to you

copy and paste that url into your browser it will take you to the right place, if you click on it due to this board script dosnt like the url posted it takes you to the wrong page i wannted to show you.


okay read up some more and i am sure this is what you need to review..

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