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-   -   PPC search engine(ROLSearch.com) looking for webmasters. (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=7020)

rolsearch 03-23-2004 10:02 PM

PPC search engine(ROLSearch.com) looking for webmasters.

ROLSearch PPC pays you 75% of advertisers bidded amounts for every valid click-through generated. In addition to your own generated earnings you will receive 5% of your referral's earnings respectively.

Payments every week via wire transfer, fethard or paypal. We pay 2 weeks after period. Min payouts is $100.

Tools for webmasters:
1. Quick search links.
2. Search boxes.
3. JavaScript feeds.
4. Xml feeds.
5. Search page samples.

More info here: http://www.rolsearch.com/presignup.html

Please contact us after registration and write(via email or icq):
1. Your account name.
2. Your site url.
3. How much traffic you can send.


You can always contact us:
ICQ 190-212-446
Email admin(#)rolsearch.com

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